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Jimin was not looking anywhere while going towards the lift. And next thing he knew, he was on his knees as he screeched in pain that he felt on his left toe, while his hands were on the floor to save him from completely falling down. He looked back to see what caused his fall to find a flowerpot fallen sideways next to his foot, kept outside one of the flats with some soil that had spilled outside from it. How could he be so blind? He wiped his eyes with his hands widening his eyes to better assess the damage, only to realise his eyes and cheeks were all wet. Since when has he been crying? Okay, he was probably teary eyed many times during his fight with Taehyung tonight but when did that become a wholesome crying. He quickly set back up the flowerpot and put the spilled soil back inside with his bare hands. He shook his head when he saw the remaining mess on the floor and his hands. He got up slowly worrying that someone would come and see him like this and huffed realising how little energy he had left after all the party and chaos. He was still wearing his best outfit, his heeled shoes that gave him shoe bites but made him look taller and hotter along with his tight leather-like pants. He had picked it out thinking he would look his best tonight and the night would be great with some after party with his gang and then after-after party with Jungkook. God, he wanted to be with Jungkook so badly right now. Or, he could run back to his best friend Taehyung's to have a cuddly night together with a movie on his laptop and snuggle under his huge comforter. They would gossip about the office, comment on Nayeon's crazy behavior last week when she was trying to ask Taehyung out or any random topic they would laugh about. But things never happen the way you want them to, Jungkook thinks he is at Yoongi's, and Taehyung, well he will probably close his door to his face if he knocks back right now. He huffed yet again, accepting that tonight he is on his own, and entered the lift. He saw his smeared eye makeup through the lift's mirror-like wall. God, he will have to wash his face before he hits the bed.

Jimin couldn't sleep. Taehyung was leaving him and was not ready to listen to anything he's got to say. He always thought a time would come when they both would have someone special in their lives and they would double date and their boyfriends or girlfriends would add to their small world, making a tight inner circle inside their gang of friends, a gang of four who are always together. He scoffed at his naivety. Jungkook entered their lives and he initially thought it was happening until he realized it was not.

3 months ago...

Jimin was whining, "Tae-tae please"

Taehyung was rolling his eyes while ignoring Jimin looking at his laptop. "Jimin I said no"

"Tae, look at me first. Say it to my face."

"So you can stare me down with your betrayed puppy eyes until I say yes?"


"Minie, I have no time today, some other day, yeah?"

"Please Tae, come with me tonight. It's karaoke night at Nick's. It's been ages since I've danced and sang my favorite songs out loud"

"You did all those things at Hoseok hyung's birthday party last month."

"Exactly, that was last month. Do you know a person dies if he doesn't do what he likes once in ten days?"


"Ah, you are mea-, I mean meaningfully smart! By the way, has anyone ever told you how handsome you are? And what a great package that is along with that beautiful soul of yours, huh?"

Taehyung scoffed. "Okay fine but I'll leave after ten, Seokjin hyung has asked me to show the new guy the ropes and I have to also send out an important contract today."

"Yay! I won!" Jimin jumped and raised his hands in triumph like he won a match or something only to hear someone clearing his throat behind him.

"Park Jimin, I hope you were celebrating the completion of the proofreading task I gave you in the morning?" Kim Sokjin's voice was as stern as it always was, at work. "Because if it were anything else,..."

My Best Friend | Jikook / Vmin FFWhere stories live. Discover now