Unpredictable Plan

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Boruto felt a headache coming along as he sat up. He sensed something wrong all around him, as he opened his eyes. He looked around to see forest all around him. The last thing he remembered, was when he was with uncle Sasuke.

They were about to go home but a huge flash of white surrounded them, before they even got the chance, to go to their designed time.

He stands up as he felt dizzy from his pounding headache.  But he drived himself forward, looking around for Sasuke. But he didn't sense or see Sasuke anywhere. He decided the best thing to do was look around.

He began walking through the forest looking for Sasuke. But all he found was nothing, but to his surprise he started hearing, a ton of noise in the distance. It was too far from him to decipher what it was.

But instead of checking what it was first, he bolted right to the source. Like he usually did. To his surprise it was the village. It looked even older then the last time he traveled into the past. There was zero technology and it looked less modern then before.

"This is such a drag.." He muttered to himself. He spotted the gate not too far away. There seemed to be guards posted in-front guarding. But they seemed alseep. Idiots, were they that stupid in the past?

Remembering last time he decided to go for a henge. But first he took off his headband, tucking it safely away.
Boruto quickly made the hand sign after that. In a second he changed his whole outfit. His clothes changed into a black sleeveless hoodie, that was half way zipped up,  with a pink sweatshirt underneath.  Added with black ninja sandals. He still left his necklace on.

Huh! This'll be easy. All he had to do was sneak in and find out where Mr. Sasuke  was.

Boruto walked right into the village with a smirk of triumph. That was too easy just as last time. He hoped he didn't have to run into Tsunade. He shuddered remembering when he saw younger Naruto. He pushed aside his lingering thoughts, keeping on task.

He looked around searching for any signs of what time he was in. Now thinking back in his academy days, he wished he payed more attention in class. But it's not his fault those classes were really boring.

As he was looking around he noticed the stone faces were the same in that other time. But he didn't know what age Naruto was. As he was walking through the streets, people kept staring at him. He just ignored them. The villagers did the same thing when he was in his father's time.

Boruto had to find Sasuke then they could figure a way to go home. He needed to see his mother and little sister. Also his father he guessed.

He drove his fingers through his hair thinking of a way to locate Sasuke. The first thing he thought of was to find Sasuke's younger version. But that would only lead to chaos. He could ask around but that would lead to suspicion because they would ask who he was.

He was about to give up and just wait for Sasuke. But then he thought of a brilliant plan. He would sneak into the Aviary building. He bumped his right fist into his left hand. This got him bumped up right away. Boruto  started heading toward the building with a semi solid plan. Sarada would be proud of him but she would also call me an idiot.

When he reached the building the sun was just setting. He was on the roof keeping a low profile. Since it was getting dark it would add to his cover. Boruto crouched to the edge of the roof looking down at the platform.

This must be where the birds land. He watched as someone walked to the railing that only had one messenger bird perched. They ripped the paper off taking a small scroll out of its pouch. They widened their eyes then raised their voice to alert everyone. Boruto backed up just in case he would be spotted.

"I have a urgent message for the hokage! Alert him that someone with a left purple eye,  has taken down three chunin with unique abilities. They think he is highly dangerous.!" He watched as the scroll quickly was passed to another.

Boruto scrambled up jumping off the building landing to the next one. His eyes were widened with happiness but also with gripping fear. Why was Sasuke spotted so easily this time? Right! That information couldn't be seen by the hokage.

He ended up following the chunin that was carrying the scroll to the hokage's tower. He couldn't outright fight the chunin because then he would be spotted. But he could easily defeat the chunin either way. But that was too much of a risk for later issues.

It weirded him out that he somehow was thinking ahead before bolting right into a situation. He followed the chunin until the chunin went inside the tower. Instead of following the shinobi inside he looked for another way in.

He looked across the building for any entry ways that could get him in and out quick. The one entrance that caught his eye was right above him. It seemed to lead to the hokage's office. His plan wasn't the best of plans that he came up with. But it would do nicely.

Boruto leaped up right next to the windows, keeping himself to the shadows of the wall. He peered inside the office looking around for the scroll. The scroll was lying on the hokage's desk. The chunin that delivered the scroll seemed to have just left as he looked inside.

This was the perfect opportunity to snatch the scroll away. He looked around to see if anyone was around. To his surprise there was no one around. He walked right up to the window putting his hands together against the glass. It didn't look like there was any traps either.

This'll be a piece of cake.

He took out a kunai and picked the lock to open the window. When it clicked he quickly opened the window, jumping inside quietly, and closing the window behind him. He crept to the desk quietly taking the scroll, carefully not to alert anyone.

Instead of leaving right then he opened the scroll to his curiosity. His eyes scanned all the information. He wanted to see what info they got about Sasuke. But as he started reading it didn't seem all that troublesome. Expect they saw Sasuke's rinnegan.

But just as he reached the final line the scroll was gone in a blink of an eye. He stared at his hands in shock.

"W-What...?" He stuttered. After finishing his sentence he felt something cold against his neck. His eye widened in fear as he shakily stared at his neck. A weird looking kunai was pointed at him.

"What do you think your doing!?" A menacing voice threatened him. Boruto gulped looking up at the attacker. He gasped in shock, almost fainting from not taking any air in.

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