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The Warthog has Sarge pinned and is slowly firing closer and closer to his head. Doc is still impotently sitting in the driver's seat while Sabine was on the gunner.

Simmons: Okay, we gotta do something here guys.

Donut: You're right. I got dibs on Sarge's armor.

Sabine: He's not gonna die!

Cut to Blue Base with Tucker kneeling in front of Church. The beeping is still heard.

Tucker: Okay, Church, you ready? I'm gonna yank the wire.

Cut to the Warthog and Sarge, he looks at Grif.

Sarge: Grif, if you see Lopez, tell him I forgive him. Tell him.. he was like a son to me.

Grif looks at him while pointing to Simmons.

Grif: I thought Simmons was like a son to you?

Sarge: No offense, Simmons. Lopez and I just.. understood each other better.

Simmons: Understood? He refused to speak English!

Sabine: I could understand him!

Grif: Yeah, and he ran away the first chance he got.

Sabine: You got me there.

Simmons: And now he's trying to kill you with a remote control jeep.

Sabine: I'm, not sure how to say that.

Sarge: Ahhhh, what a little rascal.

Cut to the Blues.

Tucker: Alright, here goes nothin'. One... Two... Three! (pulls the wire, there's a small electrical sound, and the beeping stops)

Church throws his head back in relief.

Church: Oh god, yes! Finally! Some freakin' peace and quiet! I thought that was gonna drive me nuts! (Looks down at his legs) ...Hey. Why can't I move my legs?

Cut to the Warthog which stops firing.

Warthog: (emits its series of beeps, shutting down) Signal lost.

Sabine gets off as Grif looks at Sarge.

Grif: Wow, that was a close one. Are you okay, Sarge?

Sarge: Ah, horse puckey, I'm fine. Although I do have to admit, maybe a little bit disappointed.

Simmons: It's okay, sir. I know that you said a lot of things that you didn't mean. People say crazy stuff when they're faced with their own mortality.

Sabine: I'm pretty sure he meant it.

Sarge: It's not that. I just felt like I could have taken him.

Grif looks at him confused.

Grif: Taken who? The machine gun?

Sarge: Oh he was a worthy opponent to be sure, but right at the end there he was beginning to show signs of weakness. Cracks in the armor, if you will.

Grif: What? You can't fight a machine gun.

Sabine: Yeah.

Donut: Yeah, Sarge. I know you're tough and all, but it is kinda hard to beat up hundreds of armor piercing bullets using only your face.

Sabine: Yeah I agree with Donut.

Sarge: And yet, he surrendered.

Sabine: He didn't surrender, it got turned off.

Doc looks at them.

Doc: Guys, guys, it's okay, I've seen this before. Sarge just lived through a very traumatic ordeal. We all have ways of coping with the stress.

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