Nine tenths of the law

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Opening shot of the sun over Blood Gulch. It slides down to reveal Sarge and Donut watching over the canyon from Red Base.

Donut: So, just you and me hanging out at the base today, huh Sarge! This is new. I notice you use a shotgun. That's cool. I just use this pistol. It works for me. (whistles casually) So, you think the guys will be back soon? What do you think they're up to? Do you think they stopped at the store? I noticed we were getting pre-tty low on elbow grease. ...When you die, can I have your armor?

As Sarge was about to lose it, Simmons comes up the ramp behind them.

Simmons: Hey, we're back!

Sarge and Donut turn around.

Donut: Oh man, am I glad to see you guys! Sarge would not stop talking. Seriously.

Sarge: Grif, Sabine Simmons, were you able to work out a suitable exchange?

Grif and Sabine run up and stands next to Simmons.

Simmons: (sighs) Uhh, not exactly sir. You see, when we showed up the Blues were doing something, REALLY weird and then w-

Grif: Really weird! And they were rude!

Sabine: One of them was shy.

Simmons: Hey dumbass, I thought we agreed I was gonna tell the story.

Grif: (half heartedly) Excuse me! Go ahead!

Simmons: (to Sarge) Well you see, the Blue guys were really weird. And not just normal weird, really weird.

Grif: You're not telling it right.

Simmons: Okay, fine, how do you remember it?

Grif: Well, I remember we agreed that you're a kiss-ass. I got fuzzy on the rest of the detail.

Sabine: (snorts) Yeah I remember that.

Simmons: ANYWAY, they didn't want the prisoner back, sir.

Camera zooms in on Sarge.

Sarge: Why those cunning, blue devils! Does their treachery know no bounds?

Sabine: Maybe they didn't like him?

Grif: It wasn't a total loss, sir. I was able to steal his wallet.

Grif hold ups Docs wallet.

Sabine: How'd you do that?

Grif: All about being sneaky.

Sarge: Grif, I may just make a respectable soldier outta you yet.

Grif: Really, sir?

Sarge: Hell no! Now leave the money on my nightstand and get back to work!

Sabine: Mr Krabs.

Cut to the Blues.

Church: Alright Tucker, what the hell are we gonna do, man? I gotta get my legs working, here.

Tucker shrugs.

Tucker: I don't know, but I can't just keep pulling wires down there. I think we should call in a professional. Maybe someone who can fix Sheila too.

Church: Okay, great idea, but the only two people that can do that are Senior El Roboto and Tex.

Caboose agrees, completely clueless.

Caboose: Hmm, Tex can be kinda hard to work with.

Tucker rolls his eyes.

Tucker: Yeah, dead people usually are.

Church: Quite frankly, Tucker, I find your attitude offensive.

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