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Victoria smiles at me while I rub on one of Night's paws

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Victoria smiles at me while I rub on one of Night's paws. We took the cat since Victoria is basically in love with her. 

I am too if I'm being honest. 

'Neveah!?' I don't even turn to the door as Brandon storms into my room, watching as Night is ready to run away from the bed. 

I grab her and make sure she calms down again, before looking up at Brandon. 'Shouldn't you be sleeping?' 

I playfully roll my eyes and look back at Night. 'How could I be sleeping, if you're bursting through the door and yelling my name?' 

Brandon walks over to the bed and jumps on my legs, making me groan since I was laying so comfortably. 

'You were up before that.' Victoria mumbles, looking at me with a frown. I sigh as I nod and keep my eyes on Night, feeling Brandon's eyes trying to drill through my skull. 

'And why was she up already? Because last time I checked, Rio told her to take a nap.' 

'Does it matter?' I wish I could lock myself up with this cute little kitty. 'She had a nightmare.' 

Victoria... 'I did not.' 

'You were scared when you woke up, that's what nightmares do, right?' Right... 

'That is true.' Brandon chimes, smiling at her. 'I brought her Night so she wouldn't be so scared.' 

'And that's why we were laying in bed in silence, it was amazing.' I say, looking at Brandon with a smile on my face. 'So instead of bombing me with questions, how about you let us hang in silence again?' 

'Fuck no bitch, you're going to tell me about that dream.' He insists, basically pulling Night out of my hands. 'Victoria, can you give us a minute?' 

She grabs Night and rushes out of the room as if she'll die otherwise. 

'Brandon, I'm really not in-' He hugs me tightly and for a second I don't know what to do. 

We haven't hugged in a while, but I definitely needed this. 

'What did we say about keeping things bottled up?' I can't help but sigh as we both lie down on the bed. 'It's bad for your mental health, I know.' 

He looks my way and smiles, silently pressuring me into telling him what that stupid dream was about. 

I already told Victoria, but I doubt she could understand a thing, so I might as well tell Brandon, right? 

'I dreamt that they send Leya's head to us on her birthday as some kind of sick joke or something.' I start, feeling nauseous again. 

Brandon stays silent, his face as neutral as before. 

'I decided to take myself out of the picture, since I won't be of use anymore, right?' 

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