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'So do you need anything else? Like any other information?' I ask as I walk through the hall, heading back to my office

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'So do you need anything else? Like any other information?' I ask as I walk through the hall, heading back to my office. 

'No, I have to wait for the hospital to send her files over and I'm set.' Morales answers with an optimistic tone. 'Okay good, then we'll see you in a few days.' 

I hang up the phone and open the door, watching as Valentina is seated in my chair, behind my desk. 

Her lips curl up just a little as she keeps her eyes on me. 'What are you doing in here?' 

'I wanted to see what you were doing,' She starts, leaning back a little, 'and when I got here, it was empty.' 

'I had some stuff in town and a phone call to make, but how was the hospital?' 

She sighs deeply and I can tell that something's bothering her at the thought of it. 

'They took some blood and talked about a lot of shit that didn't matter at all.' She says as I move over to her, watching as her tiny body barely fills half of my chair, 'They basically told us to give her some pills and make sure she rests a lot.' 

'That's not a bad thing.' She shakes her head and takes a shaky breath, fear forming in her eyes. 'It's not good either.' 

So far, Ariana has been doing good. She's tired a lot, but that's it. She still eats, she doesn't throw up, and she doesn't get dizzy. 

She's just tired. 

'What do you mean?' I ask as I move to her side of the desk, leaning against it as she turns the chair a little. 

'It feels like they're trying to prepare her for death instead of actually helping her.' Her legs brush against mine and I can't help but want to touch her soft skin again, 'And I might be overreacting, but I just- I don't know...

'We have that appointment with Morales after the wedding.' I say, trying to calm her down even though it's probably impossible. 

'I know, but I'm just worried that she won't be able to do anything either.' She continues to mumble, taking my hand in hers. 

'We just have to wait and find out.' I say as I stare at our hands, wondering how I can make her feel less stressed. 

She nods and closes her eyes, leaning her head back as she takes a deep breath. 

Unable to take my eyes off of her, I wonder what's going through her head. It's much more than just this. 

'At what time are you leaving?' She asks, keeping her eyes closed. 'Leonardo said he was coming to get me as soon as he wants to leave, but that shouldn't be until early tomorrow morning.' 

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