Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 – Nicholas

I told the Alpha everything he wanted to know about the vampires and their involvement with the hunters. Clive would have the perfect excuse to kill me now, if he ever found out I revealed council secrets to our natural enemy, but it was his fault for putting me in this situation.

When the Alpha was done interrogating me he seemed more distraught than before. I couldn’t blame him. The hunters had access to almost everything the vampires and my clan had to offer. I knew for a fact that they had witches of their own and all the scientific equipment they could get their hands on. I was terrified for Wesley just as much as the Alpha was worried about his son.

The only thing keeping me calm was the fact that the clan thought it was too dangerous to send actual vampire troops to help the hunters. They figured their presence would just distract the humans and eventually reveal their involvement with the hunters to the werewolves. Not that it mattered now.

I was still tied to this pole and my skin felt like it was burning. I’m sure it looked like I had a really bad sunburn right about now judging from the amount of pain I was in. Luckily the worst of the sun had faded, I would guess it was around 4pm, but the rays were still sucking what little energy I had left and leaving me unable to heal the wound on my chest.

The burning from the poison had almost completely gone but I was more worried about the blood loss. I was starting to turn ravenous and soon I wouldn’t be able to control myself if I was set free. That’s why Hunter fed me before he set me free in the warehouse. If I was hungry enough I would lash out at anything and everything with a pulse until the hunger was satisfied, I probably wouldn’t even be able to tell if it was Wesley or not.

I felt it as the last of the sun finally set. I almost sobbed in relief. The few werewolves that were guarding me switched with others and I waited. There was nothing else I could do.

I hated that Wesley went there. I hated the Alpha for forcing him to go there, for using me as leverage. I hated that he still cared about these people. I should be the only one he cared about because he was the only one I cared about!

I let that sink in for a minute before I realized it wasn’t true. My father was still back at the clan and I had left him in the worst situation possible. Were they treating him ok? Were they leaving him alone or did they lock him up because of how much a screw up his son was. I doubt they would ever let him back on the council now. The council was for highly regarded and skilled vampires who have lived hundreds, if not thousands, of years. My father might be one of the oldest vampires in our clan but he was no longer respected as the trainer he once was. That was my fault.

I let my overwhelming sense of guilt mix with the hunger and fear and I wallowed in it.

Sometime in the middle of the night the wolves that were guarding me left, I assumed to be switched with others in a few minutes. I heard footsteps but they were much too small to be a guard’s, and they were running much too fast.

I looked up from my pity session to see a small boy standing there. He couldn’t be much taller than 5 feet and he looked like he hadn’t eaten in a week he was so skinny. The hair on the top of his head flopped to one side and judging from how his breaths came out in little puffs and his nose was slightly pink it was a lot colder out here than I thought.

“Who are you?” I asked cringing at how dry my throat felt and how my voice cracked.

“I’m Jack,” he said in a small voice. He kept looking around like he was waiting for someone to come out and attack him.

I think I remembered Wesley mentioning a Jack a few times, the little omega that he took it upon himself to protect.

“What are you doing Jack?” I asked tilting my head a little to the side. He still seemed nervous but to my surprise he took another step towards me instead of back.

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