Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 - Nicholas

Everything that just happened was still processing in my head. I couldn't believe we actually managed to escape them this time, or at least that's how it seemed. I don't know why Hunter let us go but I would be eternally grateful to him. If Clive found out, and there was a good chance he already knew, Hunter would be punished more severely than Clive ever punished me. 

Wesley was in the front driving and I tried to take comfort in his smell that was filling up the tiny car. His friends Stacy and Colin were in the back with me. They had come to get me from there warehouse where Clive had once again tied me to a chair and threatened Wesley if I didn't cooperate. Clive got called away and then it was just Hunter left. That's when Stacy and Colin came in and attacked Hunter. Colin managed to get me untied from the chair right before Hunter took a bite out of him. They didn't stand much of a chance against Hunter, but when I saw him going after Wesley something in me snapped. I begged, something I swore I would never do to anyone on the council ever again, but I don't regret a second of it.

I heard Liz start grumbling in the front seat and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. She risked everything to get us out, and when she hit the wall her head made a sickening cracking noise, I was worried she wasn't going to wake up.

"Ugh, what happened?" she said from the passenger seat.

Wesley answered.

"Red haired vampire freak somehow threw you across the room with his mind and you smacked your head," he said like that was a normal way to explain things. He could be so blunt, sometimes it was adorable and sometimes I just wanted to sigh, like now.

"Thanks for that description Wesley, just what I needed after waking up with the worst headache in the entire world," she grunted again and I stifled a laugh.

I never would have thought these two of all people would be friends, but when I thought about it their personalities were similar, so I guess it made sense.

"He used my own power against me somehow. I don't know where he learned that," she sounded disappointed in herself.

"You got us out Liz, that was amazing, how did you pull it off?" I asked trying to lift her spirits a little. We were out, and it was thanks to her.

"Well it wasn't all my idea. I had been watching and I knew you guys were in trouble, but the coven kept insisting that we stay out of it. What's the point of having so much power if you can't use it to save your friends? So when Stacy found my number and called me I decided it was worth whatever punishment my mother is going to come up for me," she slumped a little lower, probably imagining what her mother is going to say, but I couldn't imagine it would be too harsh.

"They could take away my powers for this you guys, but I just...I had to get you out," she finished.

"They can't do that, you only did it to help us," Wesley argued while taking a right into a more forestry area.

"I'll just have to wait and see."

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