Chapter - 21

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Third Person's POV

             The Sun that had almost drowned in the sky, painting the clouds a majestic orange didn't even match the beauty the silver head was emitting despite being asleep. At least that's what her mate thought. Sudden warmth in his face had woken him from his slumber and he was met with the most beautiful sight he has ever seen. His mate sleeping with a hand caressing his face. The raven head couldn't help the smile that crept up it's way on his lips. He unconsciously lifted his hand and placed it over hers and shivered at the touch. 

  Every time their skin came in contact, his heart skipped a beat or two and this time was no different. He silently got up from the bed and tip toed his way toward his mate. Crouching down to her level, he ran his eyes all over her face memorizing each and every single details. 

"Mate is beautiful" his wolf Renzo said dreamily. 

"She is..." 

It was rare to see the raven head smile but when he did, it was a true sight to see. Snaking his one arm around her waist and another below her knees, he carefully lifted her up and made her lay on her bed. As he was about to move away, he noticed that his mate was clutching his shirt. He tried to remove her death grip but it was futile. He bit his lip, barely managing to keep the grin from splitting his face. He didn't want to smile at his mate's clinginess. He wanted to scowl at her, he wanted to push her away, he needed to. Finally, he pried her hand off his shirt but instantly regretted hearing the small whimper that left her. He took a few steps back trying to be away from her because he knew he wouldn't able to control himself from climbing on the bed and scoop her in his arms. 

His wolf on the other hand was begging for him to move closer to their mate. "You're being so unfair Orson" his wolf growled in his mind. Orson shut his eyes close tilting his head up towards the ceiling fighting his inner battle. He was unconsciously moving even further from Evelyn, making his wolf let out a whine. "I need her Orson. I need her to heal me. I healed you but I can't heal faster without her... Please"  Renzo begged leaving no other choice to Orson than agreeing with his wolf. Beside she was asleep, she wouldn't know anything. All he has to do is stay close to her and maybe hold her hand for sometime. That would be enough for Renzo to start the healing process. 

It was no rocket science that a wolf craves it's mate and Renzo is no exception. Werewolves heal faster solely because of the magic flowing in their wolfs. Silver and wolfsbane weakens the wolfs. Renzo had spent most of his strength to heal his human. He was healing himself just fine but after finding his mate he craved her and only her. He wanted to be with his mate that he lost interest in everything, even his own health. If he couldn't have his mate he didn't want anything. He had never felt so relieved when he finally succeeded in persuading Orson as he started moving closer to their mate. Renzo felt like he was in heaven when the sweet scent of their mate wafted up to his nose. Even Orson couldn't help but shiver at that.

Being super cautious to not wake her up, Orson slowly sat beside her. At first he was just sitting there awkwardly not knowing what to do next as his heart refused to calm down. He was extremely nervous of what he was about to do and a tiny bit ecstatic too. He cracked his knuckles and rolled his shoulder a few times. You got this Orson you got this. He chanted in his head a couple times before lifting up his trembling hand and slipping it in Evelyn's. A staggered breath left him at the warmth it gave him, not only in their connected hands but also in his heart. Just holding her hand made him feel like he was complete. Without even realizing, the raven head pulled the covers up and laid facing her, still holding her hand. It felt so right. 

As much as he was reluctant to get anywhere closer to his mate, he wanted to do exactly that as well. He hated himself for hurting her. The moment he saw Josh cradling her face he felt so much rage fill his body that he wanted to kill him. But the rage soon changed into disgust. He was disgusted by himself to even think about such thing. Sure they both looked extremely close but he knew his mate would never do such thing. He could see it in her eyes. The way it'd light up whenever she sees him. The way her cheeks would flush red whenever they locked eyes. It was only with him. And besides that he didn't have any rights to be mad at her even if she was that close with Josh. He was the one pushing his mate away so what right did he have at getting jealous?

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