Chapter - 38

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(Not proofread)

Happy reading 🌻

Orson 🌙

              "I'm sorry"  that's what my mate had told me before storming out and locking me inside that room. It drove me crazy every second that I was away from her. She was still on her heat and she was away from me, it made my wolf stand on edge. The door wouldn't budge even under my strength. Of course it didn't, it was specifically made for wolves on heat to be safe from the others. But that didn't stop me from trying. I was knocking on the door with all my strength and was yelling at the top of my lungs in hope of someone hearing me. It was an infirmary after all. The amount of noise I was making had to attract some kind of attention.

I prayed to every deity above that someone, anyone would come to my rescue. No one did. I had no one to contact or help. I felt useless. I regretted pushing her away at that moment. If I knew it would lead my mate taking such extreme risks I would've just told her everything. 

"You should've told her no matter what." my wolf growled. Renzo haven't been the same since Evelyn told us to leave. Even if rejection won't work on us, that word hurt him more than anything ever has. He never talked to me after that unless it is about how wrong I was.  He was right. I thought I was protecting her. I didn't want to lose the one thing that was meant for me. She was the only reason I was holding onto the tiny piece of hope for a very long time and I was so afraid of putting her in danger.

A few minutes passed and I felt the agony she was in. Ethan must've given her that wolfsbane. The pain was too much, that it brought me to my knees. Black spots danced around my vision for a painfully long minute then I was back to normal. I knew my mate passed out. Tears sprung in my eyes. I felt like the room collapsed on me. 

"What have I done?" my quiet voice echoed around the silent room. I put my head in my arms and sobbed. My heart felt like someone had stabbed it with a knife and kept on twisting it. All this time I knew that I was hurting her. I knew how much pain she was in. But I convinced myself that I'm doing this for her. I didn't realize how far I was pushing her. And now I'm afraid I've pushed her too far. Too far to ever return to me. 

Her pain and exhaustion caught up to me. My eyes felt like lead and begging to close. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I didn't remember how or when I walked to the bed but when I opened my eyes, I was laying on the bed my mate used, hugging the pillow that smelled like her. That was the only thing reminded me that she was real because I couldn't feel her anymore. The wolfsbane must've worked. Renzo was going mad in my head not being able to feel or sense her. 

I hugged the pillow even close and inhaled the faint scent of my mate. A fresh set of tears prickled behind my eyelids.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my misery. I bolted to the door and pulled the handle but it didn't open. "Open the door!" I yelled to whoever was standing behind it. "Not right now I'm afraid." came a voice I recognized. "Open this door Ethan!" I yelled once more. I heard him clear his throat.

"Hear me out first." he said. Hearing the urgency in his voice made me halt. "I'm not gonna open this door-", I threw my whole body against the door and growled. "Open this fucking door" for the first time I used my alpha command. On the other side I heard shuffling, like Ethan was backing away. "I am in no way can hold you back from killing me if I did that." he said, "Listen, I don't think the wolfsbane is going to last very long. I know I said it should for two days but..."

"But what?" my voice had gone from demanding to concerned. Ethan exhaled in relief, "But Sylvie was fighting against it. And before passing out Alpha vomited..." he hesitated, "Blood."

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