Chapter 5 Compulsion

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3rd Person POV:

Klaus was in the living room on his computer while Luna was in her room watching TV/Staring at a photo of her mom from her dads room. Klaus knew that one of the Salvatore's were going to come and try Just stop him from doing the ritual, so he decided to show which ever one comes part of his back up plan. Katherine was currently sleeping in Alarics room, so she didn't know what happened while Luna and Klaus were sharing a memory.

Suddenly the front door opened, And there stood Damon Salvatore in all his glory.

"You have to postpone The ritual" Damon announced quickly.

"I'm quite positive we've already had this conversation today." Klaus quipped.

"Yeah, but that's as before I killed your witch and rescued your werewolf and vampire." Damon shrugged.

"You what?!" Klaus roared.

"You can kill me for it, I don't care, but it was all me." Damon assured Klaus.

Klaus smirked a as he tossed Damon the laptop, "You see, when you've been trying to break a curse for a 1000 years you learn to always have a back up plan. Backup witch, backup werewolf-" "-Backup vampire" Damon mumbled after finishing Klaus' sentence.

"Got that covered too." Klaus stated then vampasse to Damon and snapped his neck. Katherine heard the commotion and emerged from Alarics room.

" Is he gonna be your vampire in the ritual?" Katherine asked with wide eyes.

"No, he's as good as dead." Klaus stated calmly. Then vamp sped to Luna. Luna heard a noise and threw a knife at the intruder, but Klaus caught it, although he wondered why she'd be so scared.

"I'm off to break my curse, don't leave this apartment till you have my permission when I get back." Klaus compelled Luna once again, then disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Luna was visibly disappointed. Luna exited her room to go see Katherine when she saw Katherine with a blood bag holding it against Damon's lips. Occasionally Katherine would slap Damon's semi-dead body saying,
"Wake up Damon!"

"What happened?" Luna asked.

"Klaus happened, he snapped his neck because Damon tried to ruin the ritual." Katherine stated unamused.

Luna was getting tired and was about to go to bed when Katherine stopped her.

"Luna wait! I'm really sorry he made me do it" Katherine stammered.

"He made you do what?" Luna asked wearily.

"He made me call Jenna to lure her out of the house" Katherine blurted. Luna's face went pale and she started walking towards her room again.

"Luna, I am truly sorry, I am." Katherine sincerely apologized.

"I know" was all Katherine got of Luna that night.

Next morning:
Katherine POV:

Last night I felt so bad for what I did, not because I care what happens to Jenna, but because Jenna means a lot to Luna. I knew that the save Elena group was planning to kill Klaus, so I didn't tell Luna, but throughout the night I tried to get out of the apartment to see if the compulsion wore off, but it never did.

I knew Luna would wake up soon, so I decided to cheer her up a bit with pancakes and bacon. I may be a vampire, but I make amazing pancakes.

Luna woke up and immediately went tot he kitchen for food. When she came out of her room I handed her a plate with bacon eggs and pancakes, she looked confused at first, but ate it.

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