Chapter 19 Family as Always

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The Next morning

Damon's POV
The Salvatore Boarding House:

"I'm sorry you what?!" I exclaimed.

"I gave him back his coffins." Bonnie countered

"WHY WOUOD YOU DO THAT?! Bonnie, we had leverage!" I groaned.

"You guys tried to ruin Luna's Life! I can't believe you would do that to her, you and Stefan were like her older brothers to her, and you Alaric, you were her dad for 15 years and now you want nothing to do with her?! You're all horrible." Bonnie explained. In all honesty I wasn't fully on board with the plan as I found it a bit far, but anything is better than having her stay with Klaus.

"We would be protecting her from Klaus!" I argued.

"Exactly, I may not be her father biologically, or figuratively now, but this could've been the last thing I could to to help her, even if she is an abomination like her dad." Alaric stated as he mumbled the last little part which I glared at him for. Bonnie was flabbergasted and Stefan just stayed quiet, he tried to talk us out of the plan, but didn't stop it from happening.

"You guys are monsters. Luna is 15, she JUST turned 15 and she has already had a hard life which you guys would know if you payed attention to her, before the whole sacrifice things she was screaming for help, but none of us helped. The lot of you are all vampires you could smell the dried and fresh blood, but you never helped!" Bonnie cried.

"Well neither did you so don't just blame us." I shrugged.

"I was using my magic to help her! I was burning sage in her room to get rid of negative things and I was trying to give her things that made her happy, but you Alaric, you made it worse and you always made it seem as if Luna was a burden to you which she hated. The worst part about this is the fact that she never told any of us this, I only know this because I observed her behaviour and was helping from afar until she came to one if he, but then Klaus came and we all focused on Elena for the hundredth time, so I'm done helping you, stop calling me." Bonnie sobbed angrily as she stormed out of the house. Alaric looked pissed and Elena was teary eyed while Stefan just walked away upstairs to his room.

"Well, what do we do now? The coffins were the last thing we had against Klaus." I tried to continue our revenge plans, but we had nothing to go on so I told everyone I was going to the grill.

Klaus' POV:

Last night I broke the news to my family about Luna being my daughter, and I know I need to tell her but I'm not sure how. I started thinking of people I could ask and I keep thinking of my mother, the mother I killed over a thousand years ago. I walked to the garage of my house and walked towards her coffin. I put my hand in it and began thinking. I stood like that for a while until I was infuriated.

"Nik what the bloody hell are you doing?" Kol asked.

"What I told everyone last night, I was thinking about it and began to wonder about mother, and what she would do about it." I sighed and Kol walked over towards me.

"I think she would be happy to have a granddaughter!" Kol stated quietly. And I chuckled a bit.

"I think she'd kill me, a baby out of wedlock?" Lola and I laughed. After our shared binding moment we walked inside to the kitchen where Luna was reaching in the cupboard for a certain sugary cereal, her favourite actually. Cinnamon Toast Crunch. She pulled it out of the cabinet and turned around to put it on the counter when she saw us.

"Oh, hi." She greeted as she raised the cereal box silently asking if we wanted a bowl.

"I'm fine, but Kol would love some.@ I answer as Kol looked at me frantically.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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