Chapter 8: High Speed Chase

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"Ugh. What is taking Barley so long?" Ian asked.

"You don't think he fell in the toilet did you?" (Y/n) wondered.

Ian raised a brow at her.

"What? That definitely sounds like something Barley would do." She defended.

"Who you calling 'whimsical?!'" Someone shouted.

"Oh no." The two elves said in unison as they looked over and saw Barley talking to the sprites.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Barley said.

"You gotta lot of nerve!" The leader sprite said.

"I'm just saying, sprites used to fly around spreading delight. That's a good thing." Barley informed her.

"Sprites can't fly." She told him, chugging a pixie stick.

"Well, your wings don't work cause you stopped using them." Barley explained.

"You calling me lazy?" The sprite accused.

"No, no, no. Not you. Your ancestors."

"What did you say about my ancestors?!"

"I didn't mean lazy..." Barley was cut off by Ian scooping him up.

"I'm sorry, very sorry. He's sorry too." Ian said.

"Yeah, you don't need to fly. Who needs to fly? I mean, you've got those great bikes." (Y/n) added.

"What are you doing? I was just discussing history." Barley explained.

"Barley, I don't think those sprites care about history." (Y/n) told him.

"Barley, (Y/n) and I are trying to take care of you and dad, and you're not making it any easier." Ian tugged on the leash his dad was hooked onto a little too hard causing him to knock over the sprites' bikes.

"Hey! You're dead!" The leader shouted.

Ian and (Y/n) ran away, dragging Mr. Lightfoot along with them.

"We're dead, we're dead, we're dead!" Ian repeated. 

They ran over to the van and Ian started pouring the gas into the tank.

"Relax, they'll never be able to lift those bike...oh, they are strong!"

"We're gonna die! We're gonna die! We're gonna die!" Ian shouted.

Barley was bouncing on the door handle. "It's locked!"

"What where are the keys?" (Y/n) asked.

They looked in the windows and saw the keys inside.

"I got this." Barley crawled in through the opening of a window and unlocked it.

(Y/n) went in the back with Mr. Lightfoot and Ian climbed in the passenger seat.

"Go, go, go!" Ian shouted. He looked over to see that Barley was still tiny.

"No. No, no, no. No way." Ian said.

"You're gonna have to!"

Ian climbed in the drivers seat and buckled his seat belt, while (Y/n) climbed in the passenger seat. He turned the keys but nothing happened.

"Why isn't it starting?!" (Y/n) asked.

"There's a sweet spot. Not in the middle, not quite at the end."

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