Chapter 12: The Final Gauntlet

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"Boombastia!" Ian shouted.

"Ah, remember." Barley adjusted his elbow.

"Oh, right. Boombastia!" Ian shot fireworks out of his staff.

"Yeah! You're a natural! Think fast!" Barley threw a piece of their boat at him.

"Aloft Elevar" Ian made it float in mid air.

Barley cheered and started eating some of their boat.

"Don't eat too much boat Barley, we still gotta make it to the end of the tunnel." (Y/n) reminded him.

"Good point."

"I can't believe I'm this close to actually talking to dad." Ian sighed.

"You know what I'm gonna ask him? If he ever gave himself a wizard name." Barley said.


"Well, cause he was into magic. Lots of wizards have cool names. Alora the Majestic. Birdar the Fanciful. Anyway it'll just be nice to have more then four memories of him." Barley shrugged.

"Uh, three." Ian corrected. "You only have three memories."

"Oh, yeah."

"Barley, do yo have another memory of dad you haven't told me?" Ian asked.

"No, it's just not my favorite." Barley said.

"What do you mean?" (Y/n) asked.

"When dad was sick, I was supposed to go in and say goodbye to him. But he was hooked up to all these tubes, and he just didn't look like himself. I got scared, and I didn't go in. That's when I decided I was never gonna be scared ever again."

(Y/n) placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Oh. Looks like we're coming up on something." Barley said, changing the subject.

The cheese doodle reached the end of the water and everyone climbed off.

"The final gauntlet."

There was a small door embedded into the wall and it opened up into a hallway that had skeletons against the walls.

"The Phoenix Gem is just on the other side. Careful, there could be booby traps." Barley announced.

"This place is like 1,000 years old. There no way there could be..."

Wilden stepped on a stone causing an axe to remove the top part of his body. The top of the ceiling opened up and something green and slimy fell down from it.

"Oh no. It can't be!" Barley exclaimed.

"You've got to be kidding me." (Y/n) deadpanned.

"A gelatinous cube!" Barley shouted.

On the other side of the hallway, the door started to close.

"We gotta go!" (Y/n) shouted.

They turned around and saw that there was a puzzle on the floor.

"Wait! It's some kind of puzzle we have to figure it out before-"

"No time! Grab a shield." Barley called.

They all ran forward with their shields as arrows shot at them from the walls. They paused in front of an opening in the floor that had spikes at the bottom.

"Jump!" Ian said to Barley


"Trust me!"

Barley jumped over the hole and Ian cast the spell to make him float in midair. Ian and     (Y/n) used him as a bridge before pulling him up and through the door.

They all caught their breath from nearly dying and Ian took a step forward before Barely pulled him back.

"Woah, woah. Do not step on that." Ian looked down and saw that he was about to step on some kind of stone.

Rumbling noises started happening and then the room started to fill with water.

"I didn't touch it!" Ian defended.

"The tile on the floor has the same shape as the opening. I think we were supposed to step on it." (Y/n) said.

"I got it!" Barley dove down and stepped on the tile causing the ceiling to start opening.

"It's working!" Ian said, before it closed again.

Barley resurfaced. "It's impossible. No one can hold there breath that long!"

They paused for a moment before they all got the same idea. They pushed their dads legs underwater and tried to maneuver him to step on the tile. He finally did it, and the ceiling opened up.

The three elves crawled through it and lifted themselves up and out of the water. They were all panting and soaking wet, but they were alive. Ian and (Y/n) shared a hug as Barley pulled they're dad up and out of the water and they all started laughing.

"The Phoenix Gem awaits beyond this door." Barley stated dramatically, gesturing to a ladder. "Shall we?"

"We shall!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

"Dad, we have followed the quest, and it has led us to our victory!" Ian shouted from the ladder. Ian climbed all the way to the top of the ladder and removed the cover that was covering the exit. He poked his head up and out of the hole to come face to face with...

New Mushroomton High School.


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