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AKAI chokes on air

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AKAI chokes on air.

"I think it's lovely." Satoh Fumiko's voice is as soft as the linen sheets that Anita lets out to dry. "I've been to Edlyn's store before, and she really is an underrated dressmaker. It's so kind of you to volunteer to help."

Fumiko looks at Akai. "I'm surprised at you. You usually refuse these things."

"I do, indeed." The slow swivel Akai does to face me is chilling. "In fact, I am hearing it for the first time just as you are, Mrs. Satoh."

Fumiko looks startled. "But you will help, Akai? Edlyn is such a dear. The winter coat she sewed me is my favorite."

I hold my breath and cross my fingers.

"If you say so," Akai replies stiffly. "I shall help."

"Wonderful." The Satoh matriarch brushes a gloved hand across Maiko's back, and the mare nuzzles into the caress. "It's good that you're taking more interest in things outside the farm, Akai."

Oho. Is this a veiled reminder to Akai that he needs to someday assume the company heir position? If it is, it's rather passive-aggressive, and I hadn't pinned Fumiko down as that type.

My mobile rings; it's Edlyn. I'd given her my number earlier. Excusing myself, I leave to take the call.

Edlyn cuts straight to the chase. "What's your man's measurements?"

"I don't know," I stutter.

"You better know quick, because the festival's this weekend and I've got a bunch of alterations to make. Might even need to start from scratch for some pieces."

"Are you doing all this alone?"

"No, I've got – "

"Is that Iris?" Rose's voice calls from the background. "Don't worry about Edlyn! I've got her all taken care of!"

" – company," Edlyn finishes, her tone crotchety. I'm beginning to see this is how the dressmaker expresses affection. "Just get your man's measurements to me as fast as you can."

"You got it." I pause. "Wait – he's not my man!" But Edlyn has hung up.

I'm just about to re-enter the stable when I hear Fumiko's voice.

"I know you're still grieving over what happened five years ago. I know the animals and the work on the farm have been the escape that you needed. But you need to know that the loss will never leave you. The grief won't ever lessen."

I peek around the door of the stable. Fumiko's limpid eyes contrast against Akai's tempestuous ones.

"We simply grow around it," Fumiko says. "And we find things that make the pain more bearable."

... What are they talking about? What happened five years ago? Fumiko looks sad, and Akai looks as indecipherable as always. The conversation sounds serious. So serious in fact, that I lean too front in trying to listen, and end up toppling like an overturned bale of hay.

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