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I whirl around at my sister

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I whirl around at my sister. "I cannot believe you told Father where I was!"

Heather holds her head high. Dressed in a silk palm-print dress and holding a beige clutch, for once in her life my sister outdresses me in the same room. "Because you've made it clear you won't listen to me. He's the only person who can bring you home."

"Yes – by force! Heather, I trusted you!"

Heather rises to her feet. "And I'm trying to help you! Iris, don't you see what you're doing?"

I stare at her. "Yes. Yes, I do. I have a job, I'm being independent. Just the other day I got my very first paycheck! I mean, granted, pretty much all of it went to Martha straight away, but it was the first time I paid for anything with my own money!"

Heather throws her hands up. "Oh, don't lie to me, Iris. I don't know how you made this far, but you and I both know what's your real reason here. And it's got nothing to do with trying to be independent."

My sister's eyes are earnest, almost pleading when she looks at me. "I can't watch you do this, Iris. I can't. I can't watch you fool an entire family just so you can use some rich guy's money. This is not ... I don't want you to become that person."

"I'm not – " I start, and then stop.

"You told me clearly over the phone." Her voice drops low. "You said your real job here was seducing the Satoh's only son, so he would fall in love with you and you could have money to spend for the rest of your days. You explicitly mentioned that his wealth was the only reason. And I just ..."

Heather can't seem to find the words. Outside, the sound of cows mooing float in through the open window on the summer wind.

"I know it's not up to me to dictate how you should live," she says. "But you need to think about whether or not your actions hurt others. Especially after what the tabloids have been printing about you."

My eyes flick up at her, challenging. "You believe them?"

Heather doesn't hesitate. "Of course not. I know you're not that kind of person. But if you keep doing this, you're going to be."

My nerves feel frayed. Akai's unyielding coldness, the futility of my every attempt, the nagging feeling that my sister is right ... as well as the thought of facing my father, who is right this second sharing a pot of tea with Hayate in the living room. Who knows if my duplicity hasn't already been exposed?

I wouldn't wish my father's company even on my worst enemy.

I sink down with a thump on the bed. "It doesn't matter," I say at last. "Akai doesn't like me anyway. Nothing I've tried has worked. Apparently, I'm not his type."

A bitter laugh escapes from my lips. Heather sits down beside me and wraps me in a tight hug. I feel the first of tears slip out beneath my eyelids and down my cheeks.

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