Chapter 1

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(Ian POV) 

It's been about a month since Lip proposed to Tami and as his best man I have been doing a lot of planning, mainly for the bachelors party. We decided to have it a week before the wedding so everyone would have ample time to recover. Tami and I made the decision that both the bachelors party and the wedding would be dry events. So today I have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn and move all the alcohol in the Alibi to the backroom, and then lock it. So it will pass Tami's inspection. 

I roll over after making a mental list of all the shit I gotta do today and look at my sleeping husband. He worked last shift last night so naturally he is exhausted. I get up and throw jeans and a t-shirt on, before I leave the room I walk over and give him a little kiss on the forehead, I am promptly greeted with a very grumpy, "could you be any louder, jesus christ, I wanna fucking sleep" 

I roll my eyes and give him another kiss before heading to the kitchen to make coffee, take my meds, and get something to eat. After I am done I head down to the Alibi, granola bar hanging out my mouth and coffee in hand. Kermit and Tommy are at the door already. I send them home and put up the closed for the day sign. Now it's time for the most difficult part, hiding all the alcohol in this bar. I move all the bottles first. Fuck it's dusty back here, jesus. I add dusting to my list of shit to do before Lip shows up at 6. The bottles are pretty easy to move other than the substantial amounts of dust they are kicking up. Next is the kegs, which is the fucking tricky part. I manage to move the half full ones pretty easily but I'm gonna need Carl to help me move the mostly full ones. I text him telling to come down and help me when he wakes up, and move onto cleaning. I open the closest with cleaning supplies and find it surprisingly stocked, probably Kev or V's doing. I root around until I find the duster and the like multi purpose spray shit, I wipe down all the tables and the bar, and then I dust them all off. I pick up all noticeable trash and call it good. 

A little later, Carl walks down the stairs, "Hey man, what'd you need help with" 

"Moving the full kegs," I reply. 

Together we can move them quickly into the back room and I lock it and put the keys back in my pocket. "I still don't get why we gotta move all this shit" Carl says. 

"Cause Lip's a fucking alcoholic, a fully stocked bar isn't exactly the best thing for him" 

"Well yeah no shit, I meant like the kegs are hidden under the bar, he wouldn't have access to them," Carl replies. 

We hold eye contact for a beat before we hear a sharp rap on the door. "Hey it's Tami!" she calls out. 

I leave Carl's question unanswered and go to let Tami in. She says hi and we do the small talk thing and then she immediately starts her military level inspection. She checks under all the booths, behind the bar, under the bar, under the stools, and then spends about 10 minutes trying to see if she could pry the backroom door open too make sure it was Lip proof. This was quite a funny sight mainly because she was noticeably pregnant and also because Lip wasn't going to try and break down the door or like crawl around on the floor. She leaves having to get ready for her own party tonight. With the bar being in shape and Carl leaving for work, I head back upstairs to grab some party supplies I bought.


The party supplies is in the closest of Mick and I's bedroom. When I walk in Mickey freezes, we hold eye contact for a second, there is a noticeable bump in the blankets covering him. "You were jerking off--" I start to ask. 

Mickey cuts me off with a quick "Yep." 

We both remain still for a second until I jump onto the bed next to him and pull him onto my lap so he's straddling me. Our lips connect instantly, and I can feel him start to grind slowly to try and continue what he was doing. I hold his hips still, I want to take care of him myself. I pick him up and flip him over so he's laying on his back, I keep our lips connecting briefly and then I start to kiss slowly down his body. Once I reach his v-line I bite this on spot that always causes him to react. He lets out a quite moan. I take him in my mouth and start to bob my head up and down. From the amount of pre-cum I can taste he was pretty close when I walked in. I pull my head up for a second and just say lube. He tosses it down to me, and I coat two of my fingers. At the same time I put the two fingers in his ass and take his dick in my mouth again, he jerks up farther into my mouth. I quickly move my arm up to hold his hips down. At this point he is fighting against my hand to try and thrust up into me. I look up and see his face absolutely screwed up with trying to be quite. I lift my head and say, "Carl isn't home." 

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