Chapter 2

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(Ian's POV)

I check to make sure the strippers don't need anything before I go set up the food and drinks. Mick is upstairs changing into his clothes, and I walk over to my list to start and cross stuff off.

 Mick is upstairs changing into his clothes, and I walk over to my list to start and cross stuff off

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At the bottom of the list I see that Mickey had scribbled a quick little note at the bottom. He is so good to me especially when he knows I am stressed out. I finish setting up the area for the girls and then help the caterer set up on the bar. It is 5:30 now, which is when I told everyone else to show up. Mickey comes downstairs and walks right over to me.

"It looks really nice babe." He says while giving me a quick kiss.

He stands behind me for a second just rubbing my shoulders, he knows this wedding has been stressing me out a lot. Carl and Brad are the first to show, Carl is still dressed for work, so he runs up the stairs without a word to change.

"Hey man, it looks nice" Brad says, he then gives Mick and I those weird bro handshakes straight men do all the time.

"Thanks, I've been stressing about making it alcohol free all day," I say.

More guys from Born Free trickle in, some of the cooks from Patsy's show up as well. It's a good group of people. All the groomsmen are here except two. Debbie is also technically a groomswoman, because Lip wanted all of us to be involved and Tami already had more bridesmaids than Lip had friends. Tami has Cami, Cory, and like 3 people from the salon. Lip has Me, Brad, Carl, Debbie, and technically Freddie. Freddie is going to wear a little suit and "walk" down the isle with Cory. It's really cute. Franny is the flower girl and so Mickey's job is to make sure she gets all the way down the isle and off to the side with him. We picked him for this job because Franny is always excited to hang out with "Uncle Mickey." Debbie is at Tami's party, and Freddie is with his Oopie.

Lip walks in around 6 and is very excited to see everyone and walks over and hugs me first. Once the strippers come out all the guys start cheering and laughing, except for Carl and I. I don't really know what to do cuz I've never really interacted with female strippers, Carl on the other hand is just open mouth staring at Stacey. He can not take his eyes off of her. We eat and chat until around 12, that's when people start trickling home, soon it is just Carl, Lip, Mick, and I left. We are just talking about the wedding and how things are going. This is when we hear a very faint knock on the door. I jump up and open it to see no one other than Mandy Milkovich. We stare at each other briefly and I pull her into a hug, while we are hugging she asks if I know where Mickey is. I without hesitation or much thought lead her inside. She just freezes staring at Lip and at the decorations, and at the crowd of strippers in the corner. I grab Mick's attention and then leave to go pay the girls, and send them home.

(Mickey's POV)

There she is, my fucking sister. She is just standing in the bar after not coming back for my wedding and then refusing to contact me about anything (including Terry's death). I am filled with rage at first until I notice a small girl hiding behind Mandy's legs. She was shivering from the cold and looked very tired. I walk over refusing to acknowledge Mandy and ask her her name,

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