Chapter 90

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Step In Dangerous Love Chapter 90: Prepared for the worst

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Prepared for the worst

Gu Wuzhuo hadn't slept all night, and had been searching for Tang Anran's whereabouts, but so far there was still no result.

He had previously suspected that Li Wenbo had taken Tang Anran away, and sent someone to the Li's house to monitor Li Wenbo overnight, but Li Wenbo did not act abnormally, obviously Tang Anran was not with him.

Even Gu Wuhao investigated the surveillance video on the road last night, but because the lights were too dim at the time, only one figure could be seen taking Tang Anran away, but the person's face was not clear at all.

Not long after Tang Anran came to Beicheng, the people he had contact with were very single and had no grudges against others. Who would catch her?

Gu Wuchao couldn't figure out this problem, so he could only continue to send more people, and he drove around looking for her everywhere.

Until the evening, Gu Wuhao suddenly received a strange call


It was a man who called and said that he had picked up a few banknotes with his phone number and help message written on it.

Gu Wuzhuo's first reaction was that Tang Anran was asking for help, completely ignoring his rational thinking, and immediately rushed to the place agreed by the man.

The location is under a very dilapidated six-story building. The surroundings are very desolate and almost no people can see.

"I found these pieces of money here." The man handed the money to Gu Wuzheng and pointed to the side: "This building has been abandoned for several years. My family lives in the newly built community over there. After dinner, I walked here with my friends, and I picked up the money."

"Yes, we have seen news like this on the news before, so after seeing the number left, we immediately called you." The man's friend also nodded in agreement.

Gu Wuzheng carefully read the words on the banknotes, and after confirming that these were Tang Anran's handwriting, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, thank you both very much." Gu Wuhao thanked them gratefully, and then took some money to give them as a gift.

They evaded twice, then took the money from Gu Wuhao and went home.

Looking at the dilapidated building in front of him, Gu Wuhao didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately rushed in with a few of his men.

The building had long been deserted, and there were no people living at all. Gu Wuhao could only walk around one by one to find it.

After searching for more than a dozen rooms, there was no trace of Tang Anran. Gu Wuzheng even began to wonder if Tang Anran was here.

When he found the third floor, Gu Wuhao found that there was a garbage bag at the door of a room, and there was no dust on the doorknob, which showed that this room was inhabited.

The soundproofing of the iron door is very good, so Xu Chen and Tang Anran in the room didn't hear the movement of Gu Wuhao before they smashed the door, and they had no idea how many people had already stood outside the door.

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