Part- 44

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After 2 years:

Tulsi: Get up guys.... Today Pongal.... We have to bath early... Tulsi started to waking up both Arjun and Aratrika....Both of them got up and rubbed their eyes with smile... And said good morning Amma....

Tulsi: Good morning dears... Go and fresh up... Saying that she kissed on their forehead and went to next room ...

After Tulsi delivery.... Arun and Tulsi came back to India and settled here ... Arun managing his business with Raghav...

She entered into their bedroom... (Arun and Tulsi bedroom)...

Here our Hero sleeping peacefully while hugging pillow.....Tulsi moved near to Arun and leaned towards him....

Tulsi: Arun ji... Get up!... See the time... We have to prepare lot of things.... Get up.... With whispering voice she said to Arun ears...

Hearing that Arun smiled and but didn't opened his eyes....with one Swift... He made Tulsi fall over him.... And he hugged her tightly... Placing his head on her chest....while inhaling Tulsi natural fragrance....

Tulsi: Arun ji what are doing?... Leave me!... With shock and shy she said....

Arun: What pontanti.... Just for few minutes.... Can't I hug my wife.... Why you always says to leave you!... I can't.... saying he deepened his hold on her waist tightly and started to kiss near her chest...for that Tulsi yelped with shivering....

Tulsi: Arun ji with low voice she called him....

Arun: Mmmm.... He just continued his work .... And nippled below her neck... Making her  shiver more.....

Tulsi: Arun ji... Saying that she tried to release his hold....but he didn't stopped... again she said" please!... I have to bath Aarush... He still sleeping... He will wake up soon .. otherwise he will start to cry!.. you know how hard to stop his cry!... Please!....

Arun: Ok! But one condition!... While doing his work he said....

Tulsi just looked Arun with Questioning look!... And asked" What ji?"...

Arun: You have to let me continue this  on night with wink he said....

Hearing that Tulsi cheeks became hot because of his naughty words.... She just slapped his chest playfully...

Tulsi: Arun ji!... You always thinking same thing... just get up!... with shyness she said ....

Arun: What!... Then I will not leave you!... Just continue what we doing now ....

Tulsi: Ji...

Arun just laughed slightly.... Whispering" Be ready Pontanti" Now you are free to do whatever you want but night mmmmm..... saying that he released Tulsi....

Tulsi just ran out from room with one go....

Seeing that Arun laughed....and went to fresh up....

Here with our new arrival " Aarush" sleeping peacefully with cuteness overloading....

Tulsi: ohhh my cutie pie.... Sleeping....she scooped him while caressing his hair.....Aarush opened his eyes.... When he opened his eyes... Looking his Amma.... He gave cute smile.... Tulsi poured kisses all over the face....

Soon all of them got ready for  Pooja..Pongal celebration.... with traditional attire.... Mrs.Chitra also with them...all of them got blessing from Mrs. Chitra..

Mrs.Chitra: Be happy forever...Lot's of blessings for my son and  Daughter... Aratrika, Arjun and Aarush...

Tulsi: Thank you Amma ... saying that she hugged...

Arun coughed denoting his legs... " Tulsi don't you want my blessing... Touch my legs also"...

Tulsi: Tulsi leaned to get touch Arun legs... But he stopped...

Arun: Pontanti... I am just kidding... No need to do that!...

Tulsi: That's ok!...just bless me and babies...

Arun: You guys have my Love.... So no need for that.... You and babies are my life.... and I am blessed to have you in my life....Saying that he hugged Tulsi.... seeing that Aarush started to cry loudly.... looking this Arun rolled his eyes....

Mrs.Chitra: Here goes!... Aarush got Angry again!.. because You hugged Tulsi... infront of him ... Saying that she laughed...

Arun: That's not fair ... whenever I hug Tulsi... He starts with his cry... I don't know what I have done to him ..... He always do this ..... With fake sad tone he said...

Mrs.Chitra: Because he wants his Amma for himself... He is thinking you are a competitor.....

Arun: Hey buddy!.. don't forget that she is my Wife before she is your Amma.... I am the most important person for her ... She loves me more in the world....

Hearing that Aarush cried more....

Tulsi just hugged Aarush while saying " awww my baby!... Don't cry!... Arun ji why are always make him cry!... Don't make him cry".... Baby I love you more ok!.. don't cry!... AMMA LOVE'S your brother, sister and you more than anyone in the world....ok !.. saying that she hugged!.... Hearing that Aarush stopped his cry and smiled....

Seeing that Aratrika, Arjun and Mrs.Chitra laughed loudly....

Arun just glared at Aarush with playfulness.... after that all them enjoyed that day..... Soon it's became night....

Tulsi made Aarush sleep.... And Both Aratrika and Arjun slept in their room....

Tulsi started to move towards their room .... When she entered in to their room... She heard " STOP"...

Here Arun standing with fake angry face....

Tulsi: What happened ji!...while removing her jewellery he asked....

Arun: Why did you came here..... Who are you?...

Tulsi: Ji!... Stop.... What happened tell me directly!..

Arun: morning you told to my xerox copy ( Aarush) that you loves them more than anyone..... What about me?...with sad face he asked ...

Tulsi: Arun ji!... I said because he cried... Yes I love them more than anyone... because their our babies..... But you are my everything... Without you i can't live in this world.... You are my soul....while looking his eyes she said.....

Hearing that Arun hugged Tulsi tightly..... " Thank you Pontanti!... Love you sooooooooo much".... While pouring kisses.... He said....

Tulsi: Arun ji you are behaving like a kid .... You already knows my answer..

Arun: But I wanted to hear from you!... That's make me proud.... Feel complete....

Tulsi: Ahhh!... My cute Husband!.. saying that she kissed on his cheek....

Arun : Pontanti!... You are the one who started!.. so don't say no today!...

Tulsi: What I started?...  No I just appreciated you that's it!...

Arun: No!.. now i can't wait!... Saying that he started his work... With kissing Tulsi lips.....

Here goes.... Happily ever after ......

Happy Pongal everyone..... Thank you for your support.... This chapter for you guys those who asked update for so many times ....

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