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Mrs.Chitra: Tulsi if you don't mind can I ask you something?.... hesitantly she asked....

Tulsi: Yes Aunty tell me!..with node...

Mrs.Chitra: Please don't mistaken me....can you forgive Arun and live with him....I am not saying you have to  accept and forget his deed... What I am trying to say... Babies and you both need support.... I know you alone can give good life to babies I don't have any doubt about it....but babies need Father figure in their know how important your father in your life right!.... Think carefully... I am not saying this as Arun Amma... I am saying this because I care for you and babies... Please...

Tulsi: Aunty... I know I am  doing mistake by separating babies from their father... But what I do...The wound made by hurting with fire or physical beating will heal but the wound created by harsh words uttering using out tongue leaves scars that never stopped hurting it's always remains indelible.....Its very difficult to me..... do you know how my heart is paining whenever I see your son... Now I am staying his Mansion..only because of my parents....I don't want to hurt my parents....but I am not going to stay there for permanently only for 2 or 3 months.... Trust me I already forgave him... But I can't forget his deeds.....

Mrs.chitra don't know what to say... What Tulsi saying is true ... But what she wants happy family for her grandchildren.....She can also see her Son Arun truly changed... In his eyes she saw sincerity and longing for love.... From Tulsi.... acknowledgement and acceptance.... What I am going to do.... I can't let this go  anymore..... I have to do something for my daughter in law  and my son life... They both deserve best and happy life.....

After sometime they all went Arun Mansion...

Mrs.Chitra: Arun... I want to talk to you ...come to my room.....

Arun stood shockingly.... His Amma speaking with him.... That means she forgave him already....he smiled widely....

Arun:Amma.... Saying that he started to cry....

Chitra:'s ok don't cry .... Everything going to be all right... Stop crying... She just hugged Arun to calm him.....

Arun: Amma did you forgave me....I am sorry Ma... I am just fool... please... I am sorry...

Chitra: Yup... I forgave you... Because earlier I saw sincerity and love for Tulsi in your eyes.... That's why... And you have to pursue her to change her mind... Because I want my daughter in law back.... I lost her one time that's your mistake... Now you have to make it correct at any cost... Otherwise I will not leave you.... Ok....And one more thing I will only give 2 months time to do this... You have to woo her properly.... Otherwise she will not change.... because my daughter is strong and independent women....with Smirk she finished..

Arun just hugged his mother tightly...with satisfied smile....

Arun: Thank you Amma.. thank you so much.... I am so happy you are with me....yes surely I will do pursue her with my love... I am also want back my Wife and babies....I will do that at any cost....I regretting my mistakes....I can't live without her Amma...." Wifey now Amma also supporting  me... You have to accept me... You have to accept my love... especially my Romance"....... He just laughed in his mind....

Chitra: aww my sweet son started to love his Wife....So now you have to  accept one thing...Always my choice is best... My daughter in law is gold... If you do anything wrong I personally punish you mind it ok.. with fake warning tone....

Arun: Yes Amma your choice always best.... My wife is the best.....she is not gold... She is diamond.... My precious diamond.....

Mrs.Chitra heart filled with may be unfair to Tulsi... But meanwhile Tulsi have to forgive Arun... Accept him.... He is not Bad person... He changed already... Humans  have to give chance to changed person for good way...The suituation is happened to be like that....they have to move on.... Arun and Tulsi deserve happiness.... Together.....

Arun's bedroom:

Here Tulsi making bed for babies.... Both of them yawning for sleep....She heard door opening sound... She knows it's's his room...he came to sleep...but to her surprise she felt two strong arm hovered around her waist.... She released Yelp... Because of sudden action from Arun....

Arun: Tulsi... I am just happy today... I can't explain how much happy I am right now .... It's all because of you.... Thank you... thank you...he said while hugging Tulsi from back...

Tulsi struggled to release from Arun hug... But Arun just tightened his hugging... tipping his head to her back neck... Inhaling her scent...

Tulsi: What are you doing... Just leave me... don't take advantage the suituation.... You know I just hate you... Don't do that again....

Arun: What so wrong... My sweet Pontati... I just hugging my's not crime... I can do more than hug you know... My Wifey.... With wink he licked his lips..

Tulsi: You just stop calling me Wife and other names..... I am not your wife...I just hate you....I just staying because of my parents... One more time I am saying don't take advantage.... don't cross limits...we are just acting....

Arun: But I am not acting my Wifey... You can hate me now... Because after spending time with me you are going to love me..... And I will call you pontati... you can't stop me.... My sweet pontati... He pinched her both cheek sweetly...

Tulsi: Just stop it ok.... You clearly know that we are not Husband and Wife... We were in past... Now we are just strangers.. I am not fool to accept you as my husband after what you did to me... So stop this.... I just hate you....

Arun face turned sad... He covered with his smile..

Arun: But you are my Wife that can't be changed... My babe...

Tulsi: Ahhhh If you forgot what happened .... for your kind information Let me remind you we already I am not your wife anymore.... I will not in future also....

Arun: Arun just smile evilly.... But we are husband and wife... My sweet pontati....

Tulsi: What......

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