Chapter 32: The Meeting

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((I just want to thank you all so much. Recently I've received so many beautiful comments and I swear they always make me so happy to read. I've been going through them and one just made me smile for the past 10 minutes. I just wanted to thank you all because you guys truly are the best :') Y'all seriously make me cry. Oh Btw this is what I assume her hero fit to be since it's such late notice.))

-----------------Percy's pov:--------------------

"Alright, you ready?" Tim asked, looking over to me.

Currently Tim and I were standing in front of the supposed entrance to a 'secret lair' though I'm not to sure how an old telephone box was supposed to take us to this supposed place. I looked over to him as well, he had a small smile on his face though he looked to be holding back a laugh.

I realized he was probably laughing at my expression so I quickly put on a smile before placing on my borrowed mask. "Let's do this thing" Tim nodded before ushering me inside. It was a tight squeeze but it was enough room to fit us both. I watched as Tim seemed to pull up a small screen, typing in some coordinates before the windows dimmed for a second. The next second I felt a burst of wind. I quickly shut my eyes before I felt myself stop.

I opened the to see a massive cave, though there was technology everywhere. An older part of me was afraid to touch any of it. As we appeared I

Tim was the one to exit first. He looked back and smiled, proving it was okay. I nodded slowly before walking out. The place looked almost like a modern home with smooth walls and white lights shinning everywhere. The place almost hummed with technology.

"So, T- I mean Red Robin, where to now?" Getting the hang of these stupid nicknames was gonna be tough. I looked back over to see that Tim was already looking towards me. 

"Well Riptide we are gonna introduce you to the team. Though it may be a while till you meet them all cause I did kinda storm out of here pretty fast last night." His smile became more strained for a minute as he seemed to remember the previous days events. I quickly placed my hand on his back, giving him a reassuring smile. 

He took a deep breath before his normal smile appeared. "So, where are we gonna find these teammates of yours?" I asked, trying to switch the subject. 

"They're probably gonna be either in the living room, kitchen, or in their rooms. Let's hope for the first two." I nodded as we started walking further into the cave. As we walked I realized just how easily I was gonna get lost here as the way to the kitchen was already becoming a muddled mess of right and left turns. 

By the time we arrived in the kitchen my head was spinning from my attempt at remembering the path we had gone down. I quickly shook out of it though as we spotted two people in the kitchen. Both of which I recognized. 

Conner was standing next to the island, leaning on it as he watch Me'gan bake. I quickly looked over at Tim before looking back to the two. My mind started racing as things started clicking together like puzzle pieces. "Holy..."

"Conner, Me'gan" The two's head to look at us almost as if they were on a swivel. "I would like you both to meet our new temporary teammate, Riptide." He looked to me and I looked back at him before realizing he was waiting for me to say something. I quickly turned back to the two with a smile. 

"Hello, it's a pleasure to be working with the both of you" I said. Me'gan immediately rushed over to me like she had the first time we'd met. She took my hand and started shaking it. 

"It's so nice to meet you as well Riptide! I'm so happy to have another girl on the team! Don't get me wrong Artemis is great but she doesn't really enjoy the same things I do." Artemis too? So was it a stretch to assume that the other brightly dressed children were also from the group. I kept my face in a smile as I figured out what was happening. 

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