Chapter 46: To family!

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--------------------------Tim's Pov:-----------------------

(Btw this is two days later lol, the day before the big dance)

"So where exactly are we going?" I asked as I walked besides Percy down the street. We'd been walking for a while and all Percy had told me to do was dress fancy casual. Whatever that means. 

"We're going to the park" Her voice held a certain hint of joy to it signalling that maybe there was more to this park then she was letting on. Also, fancy casual seemed to a bit too nice for a park. 

"Whatever you say" I replied as we continued to walk. We walked past stores of many varities on the way to this park, many of which were opened. The only ones that weren't were bars and some clothing shops. We made it down a couple blocks before a giant park came into view. 

"See, a park." She smiled as she started to make her way across the street and into the park. I followed after her, jogging lightly. 

"Yeah okay, what are we going to do at this park?" I asked, she merely looked at me, seeming to think on wether or not to tell me. Finally she seemed to come up with a decision. 

"We're gonna meet up with a couple of my friends." Her smile implied something much worse but I decided not to ask, instead being much more grateful that I was able to go out with her at all. 

We walked past trees, picnics, past people walking their dogs, and by a big lake. We walked until we ended up in a more secluded part of the park. We reached a bench and Percy sat down, patting the spot next to me signaling for me to follow suit. I did so, allowing myself to relax. 

We sat there for a while in silence, though something seemed to be off. Ever since this morning she'd been acting weird, it was hard to tell how though. I didn't have long to focus on this as a boy with black hair and an aviator jacket stepped out of the shadows. 

"Alright, lets go." Percy smiled before standing up. She looked back to me, ushering me to follow behind. 

"Where are we going exactly?" I asked as I stood up. Nico threw Percy a dirty look but she just gave an awkward smile and put her hands up. This got me to be a little more suspicious then I was before. "Percy. Where are we going?" I asked once more, this time more seriously. 

"We're going to dinner, it's no big deal." Nico pointed her another glare but she wasn't looking like she was about to give in so I sighed and decided I would just have to find out. Percy smiled as she wrapped her hand in mine before grabbing Nico's shoulder. He pretended to throw up before I suddenly felt myself seem to pull apart and suddenly we weren't in the park anymore, we were standing in front of an apartment. I didn't have time to look the place over before the overwhelming urge to throw up rushed over me. I leaned over barely hearing Percy's voice in my ear and a hand on my back. 

I managed to not throw up as Percy's words started to become clear. 

"Hey, it's going to be okay, you're alright. If you need to let it out go for it. I'm so sorry" I looked up to see Percy with a worried face. This expression disappeared as relief formed instead. "Are you feeling better?" She asked trying to examine me for anything that might say otherwise. I shook my head as I stood all the way up. I still had some nausea but nothing that wouldn't leave in a minute or so. 

"I'm not waiting for this. I'll meet you two inside." Nico said before walking up to the door and entering. In the split second the door was opened I spotted a small baby crawling around with Piper cooing as she chased it. 

"Uh... Percy?" She gave me a light hum as she gently rubbed my back in an effort to rid me of my nausea. "Where are we?" She leaned down a bit so she could come into view. She had a nervous smile planted on her face. 

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