TEN | Weird

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"How much money did you spend?" Dante asks, gaping at us.

Elijah Marcello and Ares are holding all the bags. I offered to carry some but Elijah wouldn't allow me.

"Ask Elijah. He paid for everything," Ares says, dumping the bags on the floor. I quickly grab them but Elijah glares at me so I put them down. God, I don't get why it's such a big deal.

"I'll check my bank account."

I feel bad. I don't want them to spend their money on me.

Marcello grabs the bags on the floor and goes upstairs. I follow him and he goes into my bedroom. I enter my bedroom and he sees my suitcase on the floor that I haven't unpacked yet. He looks at me and then goes into the walk-in closet and puts all the bags there and exits it.

"How come you haven't unpacked yet?"
He questions. I shrug, "I don't know."

In fact, I do know. But I don't want to tell him that I don't think I'm going to be here for long. That I think they're gonna kick me out.

He narrows his eyes at me, "Right. Start emptying the bags while I get the other ones from Elijah." I nod and he walks out of my room.

I walk into the closet and groan when I see all the bags. I don't even need this much stuff.

✩ ✩ ✩

There. All done.

Marcello helped me put everything away and unpack my suitcase. It was a long process. He isn't a talkative person although he did try to make a conversation but my social battery has run out so I just gave him a short and simple reply.

"Here is your phone and laptop," he passes me a phone and a big laptop. I smile at him, "Thank you. I really appreciate everything."

He nods at me, "You're welcome."

I turn on my phone and it's already been set up for me. Weird. I'm pretty sure you have to go through some whole process. I go onto an app called contacts and see all of my brother's names already on there. Oh, Marcello must have set it up for me.

"I put our numbers in there for you," he tells me.

Yeah, I already figured that out.

I nod and turn the phone off, it looks so expensive and I'm scared to drop it. I walk out of the closet and put my laptop on the coffee table and my phone on the nightstand next to my bed.

I sit down on my bed and sigh. My shoulders slump and I watch Marcello as he walks to me and sits down beside me.

"Do you need help with anything else?"

I shake my head.

He nods.

Then we just sit there in silence.

It's weird. Each one of my brothers has their own personality. Lorenzo is scary and intimidating. Elijah is caring and protective. Marcello just doesn't really care, to be honest, he just sits back and observes. Domenico is just a grumpy person. I don't really know much about Dante. Ares is just a bottle of sunshine and very clumsy. And with everything going on I can't comprehend anything.

But I've got blood on my hands now. I can never forget that.

"What are you thinking about?"


"What about it?"

I look at him, "What do you guys do for a living? I mean it must be important because this place is massive. And you have so many cars. It's crazy."

"We all have different jobs. Lorenzo owns hotels, restaurants, and clubs Elijah is a doctor. A very good one. And I'm a fighter," he says smoothly.

I look into his eyes. My gut tells me he's lying but he doesn't look like it.

I raise my eyebrows, "You fight people, and you get paid?"

He nods, "Yep."

"Isn't that dangerous though?"

He shakes his head, "It isn't for me. I've never lost a fight or ever gotten seriously injured."

Oh. I mean he's got muscles. They all do. They must work out all the time. And they're tall. Like 6ft tall. I don't know how that's even possible.

He stands up, "I'll see you at dinner." Then he leaves my room.


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