NINETEEN | Peace & Quiet

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I just want to say, you might want become mentally prepared for the next chapter ❤️

I just want to say, you might want become mentally prepared for the next chapter ❤️

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I place the fifth book I've read on my finished books pile. I stand up and stretch, letting a groan out as I do. My body feels stiff, maybe I should walk around a little.

I step around the piles of books and slowly go down the stairs. I hear people walk by, talking frantically. I shrug it off. It's none of my business. I sit down at the piano and lay my fingers on the keys.

I wonder if I can ask Artemis if she can teach me how to play the piano. Obviously just the basics.

I know the right side plays the higher notes and the left plays the deeper notes, and that's all I know, unfortunately.

I press random keys, making a little song. It isn't great but it's fun. I enjoy testing out new things and acing it. I'm a perfectionist.

Want me to do a puzzle? I won't stop til I do it. Want me to cook a meal that I don't know how to make? I'll learn and perfect it. Want me to clean my room? I'll do it but I'll clean the whole house while I'm at it.

I take my other hand and play more random notes. I cringe when the notes I play sound bad. Maybe I should get Artemis to teach me the basics.

I sigh and press a high note repeatedly, I'm bored. The door barges open and I accidentally press a deep note, scaring me even more. Immediately I stand up and see Lorenzo standing at the doorway looking at me.

"Where have you been?" he demands, striding toward me. I take a small step back, "I've been here the whole time. Why? Has something happened?"

He nods, angrily. "Yes. Diego thought you went missing. You don't just disappear in the depths of this house for hours without telling anyone. Anything could've happened to you," he tells me, getting more frustrated by the second.

"I'd rather not stay in my room all day."

He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, "Of course not. But just tell us— tell me. Tell me where you are going. For heaven's sake, drag me wherever you want to go."

I nod, "Okay."

We stand there in silence.

Breaking the silence, I ask, "Do you want to see how many books I've got?"

He looks at me for a moment in confusion, "Why would I want to see that?"

I shake my head, "Nevermind then."

I walk past him and go back up the stairs and sit on the couch. I grab a new book off my to-be-read pile and start flipping the pages to the first chapter.

I hear Lorenzo go up the stairs. I hold back a sigh. I know I didn't do anything wrong. I know that. But why is he freaking out? He sits next to me.

"Those are a lot of books," he comments. I shrug. "Not really," I say, still reading the first chapter.

He hums, "So you're a nerd?"

I look up from my book. "No Lorenzo. Reading doesn't make me a nerd. It doesn't make anyone a nerd." He mumbles something but I don't hear it. I look down at my book and continue reading.

I flip the page and tilt my head.

"What you reading about?"

"I've just started the book."

"Oh okay."

After a few minutes, I make it to the next chapter.

"Why do you like reading?"

I take a deep breath and peel my eyes off the book, "Because I just do." Obviously, there's a more developed answer but I don't want to say it. I look down at my book.

"How's school? You learning stuff like I told you to?"


I thought I was going to get peace and quiet here but that clearly didn't last very long. Approximately after ten minutes. I'm on the fifth chapter.

"What's your book about?"

"A girl trying to read her book in peace even though she has her brother next to her who keeps opening his stupid mouth."

"Did you just say my mouth is stupid?"

I look at him innocently, "No? I was telling you what my book is about."

"That sounded awfully—"

I roll my eyes, "Not everything is about you, Lorenzo."

He shuts his mouth and I look up at the ceiling, thanking the gods above.


I slam my book shut, grab a couple of books I haven't read, and stand up.

"Where are you going?"

"To my room so I can read without any disruptions."

I walk away from him, leaving him there. I rush down the stairs and leave the library. He wouldn't last ten minutes if he was in a public library, I know for a fact a librarian would have kicked him out for talking too much.

I go to the stairs and see Diego. He rushes to me, "Miss Russo. Are you okay?"

I furrow my eyebrows, "Yes. Why?"

"We thought you went missing."

"I was in the library," I tell him.

He looks at my books and nods, "I think I can see that now. You want me to hold some of those books for you?"

I shake my head, "No, I'm alright. I'll see you later."

He nods and steps back and I walk past him and go up the stairs. I open my bedroom door and see Elijah is in my bed watching Gilmore Girls on my tv. He looks at me and then looks at my books.

"Did you like the library?"

I nod and place the books down at the fireplace. "Yeah. It was nice until Lorenzo came."

He snorts, "What did he do?"

"Lecture me, then kept talking to me when I was trying to read my book."

"Really now?"

I nod. I look at the tv and see Lorelai and Rory sitting in Lukes's cafe. Cool.

"Scoot up. I want to watch it as well."

He scoots up and I jump on the bed and look at him. He doesn't seem affected. Whatever. I lie down beside him and watch my favorite show with him.

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