Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Eight years later...

A hand reached out from beneath the bed covers and whacked the buzzing alarm. Was it really 6:30 am? Allison hesitantly opened one eye to see the big red digital numbers shining back at her. She flopped back onto the pillow and pulled the covers over her head; letting out a groan. It was Saturday, her day off. The one day she was guaranteed she didn't have to think about work and the responsibilities that came with it. But being Allison, she had more responsibilities at home then she would ever have at work.

She had the week's laundry that needed to be done, house work to do, the shopping needed to be done and school supplies needed to be bought too. Plus, the bills needed to be paid. She mentally ticked off all the things that were needed to be completed before the day was out.

Yes, Allison had many responsibilities, but they were all worth it at the end of the day. And never once has she ever regretted the way things had turned out. Granted she might not be where she had pictured herself eight years ago, but she wouldn't change anything if given the chance and in her opinion, her life had turned out better.

Feeling a new sense of enthusiasm for the day ahead, Allison was just about to throw the covers off her head when she heard her bedroom door swing open. She lay absolutely still as she heard the pitter-patter of little feet on the hard wood floor as it slowly approached her bed. She smiled to herself, thinking here comes the reason I wake up in the morning, the reason my life turned out for the better.

She closed her eyes, pretending to sleep. She felt the bed covers being tugged off her body and a little hand touch her bare arm. She let out a soft murmur and rolled over onto her other side so that she was facing towards the other person in her room. She felt a hand lightly shake her, but she didn't respond. All was still and she stole a peek through her lashes and saw the figure turn. 

Before the person could walk away Allison gripped her by the waist and pulled her to the bed, tugging the covers over them both. Giggles erupted from the little girl that Allison now tickled.

"Stop it momma." Chloe begged as Allison proceeded to tickle her. 

"Okay, fine." Allison said as she snuggled her daughter's small frame to her.  

Yes life hadn't turned out the way she planned it. 

It had turned out even better. With Chloe in her life Allison never regretted anything that had happened. 

"Did you have sweet dreams momma?" Chloe asked her in an inquisitive tone. 

"Yes," Allison responded kissing Chloe on her cheek, "And do you know why?" 

She thought about it for a moment and coming up with nothing, she shook her head. 

"Well, I'll tell you. Because I was dreaming of my sweet daughter. You haven't seen her, have you? Because I'm missing my good morning kiss that she gives me every morning and I haven't gotten one yet." 

Chloe gigged and than wrapped her arms around her neck, kissing her on the cheek. 

"Oh, there you are. I was wondering what happened to you." Allison teased. 

"I was always here."  

"Like I'm always here for you. You know that right?" 

Chloe nodded, "I know momma."

Allison felt the lump form in her throat. She loved this little girl so much. There was nothing that she wouldn't do for her.  

Becoming a mother had changed her life in more ways than one. She could still remember the day the doctor had told her she was going to have a girl. 

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