Chapter 5

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She knew her tone was clipped and she was being unnecessary rude. She didn't know why though. If anything Eric was the one who should be rude and anger with her after what she'd been keeping from him. In truth, her clipped tone was just a way of hiding the real nature of how she felt, which was scared out of her mind.

Allison knew Eric wouldn't do anything to hurt her, but what would he do once he found out that she'd kept his child, his only child - or as far she knew - away from him for almost eight years?

She knew if she were in his shoes she'd be angry as hell and that was what frightened her most. Facing Eric's wrath.

Allison's features softened when she looked at the hurt that flashed in Eric's eyes. He was obviously here to make amends and she wasn't helping the situation.

"I'm sorry," She offered, breaking eye contact with him, feeling bad about her unfriendly behaviour, "It's just..." she struggled to find the right word.

"Hard?" Eric offered.

She looked back up at him and nodded, "Yes, hard. It's been so long, you know."

He gave her a weak smile, "I know. It's been too long."

They sat in silence, each of them contemplating about the last few days that had spent together. Allison knew it should have been her most memorable days with Eric and they had been, just not the kind she expected.

A lot of hurt had been spread in those two days. Enough hurt to ruin almost two years of a strong, happy relationship.

Allison turned her attention back to the calm sounds of the ocean and thought how funny it was that in a relationship as wonderful as theirs, all they could remember with such intensity was the last two days of it.

She and Eric had once been partners, in every sense of the word. He had been her boyfriend, her best friend and her family. They had never kept secrets from each other, no matter how embarrassing it might have been. She and Eric had the perfect relationship and in just two days, it had all been destroyed.

She knew he was no long the same man that he was when he left all those years ago. He had seen and done things that had changed him. He might even be in a long-term relationship with a good woman who could meet all his needs on an intellectual, physical and emotional level.

He looked different, not physically, though his hair seemed to be a bit long and his skin was paler too, from his obvious lack of sun. But his eyes, they showed the wisdom that was brought on by his job; just the way he presented himself right now showed the differences that the boy who had once been there was gone.

He might still be Eric Denton, but he wasn't the Eric Denton Allison remembered. Or was he still in there, somewhere?

Allison looked back at him, only to catch him staring at her and it unsettled her. Not that his stares were bad or showed his bad intensions. They seemed to be assessing her, as if searching for something and those were the stares that shook her the most.

"So - err - how have you been?" She unsteadily asked, trying to divert his attention.

"I've been good." But then shook his head, "No, I've been great, actually. New York has been everything I expected and more, so much more.'"

"That's great. I'm glad things worked out for you."

"And how about you? You're working in a private practice now." He said, point a finger over his shoulder at the practice which was visible from where they sat.

"Yeah. I've been working for Martin Private practice for almost two years now." She said joyfully.

"So you came to work there after your internship?"

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