89 Taming the stubborn

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Tension hung in the air. The unpredictable man felt it on his skin. Niko slowly walked to the terrace, mentally preparing himself for any scenario. After all, the owners of the house now know who he is to Jansu. They may ask him to leave.

Niko was intercepted by the birthday girl. Emine Diana, showing her grandfather's gift to her friends, left them to examine the electric car, and she rushed to the guest.

"Niko!" she exclaimed happily. "You came!"

"Certainly. How could I not have come, having received an invitation from a real princess?" he replied.

Squatting down, Niko Bianco handed Emine a gift. She stared with admiring eyes at the colorful package and asked, "Is that for me?"

"And isn't your birthday today?" Niko asked in response.

"I have!" Emine exclaimed happily. Taking the gift, she instantly tore open the package and, seeing the contents, shouted enthusiastically, "Mom! Dad! Look! Niko gave me a real painting kit!"

The parents approached their birthday girl and her guest.

"Bead," Omer turned to his daughter, "do you remember that it is not customary to call the elders by their first names? You must say - Mr. Niko."

Emine, clutching the gift with one hand to her chest, took the guest's hand with the other and answered her father, "Niko is not that old. And he is my friend!"

"Emine is right," stood up for the little girl Niko. "I always insist that friends call me by name, without boring 'Mr'."

"Right!" Emine supported him and, throwing up a laughing face, suggested, "Come on, I'll introduce you to everyone. And then we'll sit down at the table! Zehra has already covered. She, Grandmother Turkan, and Mom prepared so many delicious things! You will sit next to Jansu. She is my auntie, but I don't call her Aunt, because Jansu doesn't look like one at all. And here she is! Next to her is my Grandfather Ozcan. Jansu, Grandpa, do you know Niko?"

Emine's spontaneous chatter smoothed out the situation. Ozcan Baisal, although he looked his former son-in-law in the eyes sternly, spoke quite cordially, "Yes, my soul," he answered his granddaughter. "We are familiar with your new friend. Hello Niko!" He turned to the man.

"Mr. Ozcan, Jansu, glad to see you," said Niko.

"Oh really?" Unable to bear it, Mr. Baisal quipped.

Emine looked at her grandfather curiously. The box, which was almost larger than herself, began to slip out of her hands. Jansu grabbed it and turned to her niece, "Emine, let's go, we will take your gift to the house."

"Just don't delay!" Defne asked. "The food is getting cold."

"Okay, Mommy," Emine promised. Chatting merrily, she pulled Jansu into the house.

Defne glanced at her father, in which he read nervousness. He closed his eyes slightly, promising her that he would behave with restraint. Her face relaxed. Reassured, she went to check the table setting.

Ozcan Baisal came closer to Niko.

"Why did you come to Istanbul?" he asked quietly, but firmly.

"To establish a partnership with Defne and Omer Iplikci," Niko replied.

"If you offend Jansu - I will crush you," Without raising his voice and smiling sweetly, Baisal threatened.

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