95 Taming the stubborn

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Back on the yacht, Jansu walked to the stern and sat on the deck, leaning back against the rail. Niko went to the wheelhouse. The yacht moved further and further from the island. Jansu watched with dry eyes as the wind blew the white silk of the tent. It was the end. She understood this and, no matter how brave she was outward, inside her heart shed tears.

To Buyukada, and then, to Istanbul, Jansu and Niko did not say a word to each other. Having collected a few things in Iplikci's house, Jansu called the Baisal's driver and when the yacht docked in the port of Istanbul, the car was already waiting for her at the pier.

Jansu stepped ashore and looked around. Niko stood behind. His face darkened, his features sharpened. His eyes seemed to be impenetrable, but deep in the bottom, there was something so sadly nagging that made her chest ache.

"Farewell," she said.

"Goodbye," he replied.

They parted in different directions. Everyone got into their car. Both wanted to die.

Niko stopped the Maserati near the house, - but was in no hurry to get out. He felt devastated to the limit. Life collapsed. He lost. He wanted to get drunk, drop everything and run to the end of the world. But his sisters were waiting for him in the house. He pulled them out of their usual life, brought them to a foreign country. They depended on him completely and Niko Bianco was responsible for each one. And, therefore, he needs to pull himself together, - and build a new life on the ruins of the old. Once again.

For a moment Niko thought about returning to Rome, but immediately dismissed the thought. With or without Jansu, his place and that of his sisters is now in Istanbul.

All three were waiting for him in the lobby. Lucia and Maria watched with curiosity, Ornella intently.

"Well!" exclaimed Lucia, "Did it work? Did you make it up?"

Niko shook his head and tried to smile. The smile turned out to be forced.

"No," he said. "There is an abyss between me and Jansu. It is impossible to overcome it. But don't worry. We came here to start a new life. And let's start, whatever it costs us."

Jansu entered the house and found herself in the caring hands of Zeyneb.

"My soul, is it possible to disappear like this?" She grumbled. "Didn't say anything, didn't take things. Mister Niko also showed up. Like a ghost. I almost lost my mind! Thanks to Mrs. Defne. She called and said that you decided to relax in their house on the island for a couple of days. The decision is, of course, correct. If he showed up in Istanbul, then it is better to stay away from him. But did you even eat there?"

"I did," answered Jansu automatically. Her brain pulled out the name Niko from Zeyneb's tirade and everything else faded into the background. "Niko was here? When?" she asked.

"The day before yesterday morning," Zeyneb replied. "He asked about you. Oh, whatever! You certainly didn't have breakfast, you're hungry. Faster to the table!"

Niko was here. He was looking for her after that humiliating scene in his room. What for?

"Zeyneb, you make me coffee," she asked the kind woman. "I don't need anything else. I am not hungry. In the meantime, I'll take a shower and change."

With a tortured smile, Jansu went to her room. Zeyneb looked after her and shook her head. Oh, it was not good that Mr. Niko came to their doorstep. Oh, not good!

Jansu stepped into the hot shower and allowed herself to cry. She was sick and disgusted. This morning, on a tiny islet in the Sea of Marmara, under the canopy of a silk tent, was it her? Could Jansu Baisal be so daring and shameless?

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