🔥Camilo HeadCanons 🔥

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Finally I have wanted to write this for ages. Also some of these are gonna be fvcked up and I'm gonna get hate. Besties can stay mad😗

Camilo loves food more than anyone in the family. He isn't allowed in Isabela's room because he always used to eat the food of the trees she was growing.

He is like the world's biggest flirt. He will do anything to make you blush, but as soon as you do something flirtatious to him, he gets incredibly flustered and can't think/talk straight.

Once a girl came up to Camilo and said: "Look, your really cute and I like you alot even though you're genderfluid. But I don't care" The girl then tried to kiss him, but he stopped her. He told her he's not genderfluid and she ran off. Dolores heard the whole thing (obvi) and will never stop calling Camilo genderfluid as a joke. But he is a boy and uses he/him pronouns. He is pansexual though.

He and Mirabel used to be best friends when they were five and went swimming in the river one day. They almost fell down a waterfall because Camilo didn't know how to swim.

He believed in Santa Claus up until he was thirteen, but he woke up on Christmas Eve and saw Felix and Julieta putting presents under the tree. I thought Felix and Julieta because they are more thoughtful and careful. Lmao.

He clicks instead of clapping most the time because he knows it's quieter for Dolores.

He got to name one of Antonio's toucans, and he named it Billy and laughs everytime he hears Antonio call its name. I just feel like he's a weirdo like this.

His room is super cool. It has a stage on the side and the floor is basically a huge trampoline. The cool thing is, the colour of the trampoline will change depending on Camilo's emotions. Pretty neat, right?

Camilo is Omnisexual, preferring girls to the other genders. He finds that females are easier to deal with and he feels more romantically associated with them. Edited because people were telling me I meant this and I didn't know lmaooo.

Ahhhh Camilo is done. Sorry, not sorry about this. Then again, you can't be mad at my opinions. Bye

My Encanto HeadCanons :)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin