😔How they'd react to your death😔

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SUPRISE!!! Update on this 'finished' story!!!!

-She never grows flowers anymore, unless they're dark in colour
-She starts getting irritable very easily, over the smallest things
-She'll never cry Infront of her family or village, but when she's alone, mmm

-The sound of your screaming rings in her ears, always
-She starts spending more time with her brothers, and helps her tía with cooking
-She doesn't talk to anyone except family at all really, other than your family

-She doesn't work as much anymore, but when she does, she overworks and pushes herself
-She often does things and breaks down half way through
-She doesn't sleep for long periods of time, dreaming about your death

-Blames himself, all the time, for no reason
-He always finds himself in tears, whether he's alone, with family, kids, anyone
-Disagrees with anyone who tells him your dead, refuses to believe

-She sewd herself a little cushion with things you love on it, and sleeps with it
-She tries to keep upbeat, but always ends up moping around in pure boredom, she cannot hang out with you anymore
-Like Isa, she snaps easily, and finds herself yelling a lot

-Names things randomly, then asks 'you' if you like the names, pretending your still there with him
-Names himself for not taking action when he had a vision about it
-Tries to find new people to hang out with but he doesn't like any of them as much as you

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