꒷꒦ 07. ꒦꒷

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Surprise chapter cause I'm bored ig

We got back to the Air B and B a couple hours later, Kirsten was showering while Kaiden, Ally, and Kirsten's boyfriend were just watching a movie. Me and Albert were making a video in the office kinda just talking and playing games. The funny thing is ever since I met Albert we just connected, we have the same humor and we like the same things. It made me happy we had so much in common cause that means we could talk more and understand what we are talking about.


I was starring at Albert, I looked away quickly before he could notice but sadly he still did. "Uhm, you ok oak?" He muttered, "Oh yeah sorry I was zoning out." I answered quickly. " Ok just making sure!" He smiled.


Albert's POV

I noticed oak was starring at me but I was uncomfortable or anything like I usually was when people were starring at me, I felt more happy about it for some reason. "Uhm you okay oak" I asked, "Oh yeah sorry I was zoning out" she said quickly like she was nervous or something, "Ok just making sure" reassuring oak and continuing on with editing. Oakley got up and walked out of the room, she seemed like she was red, kinda like blushing but I brushed it off trying to not jump to conclusions.


Oakley's POV

" Woah you good oak?" Kaiden asked, " your really red, did you like put on to much blush? Not trying to be rude or anything." He muttered, " Yeah I'm just really hot, I'm go outside to get some air." I responded trying to lie my way out of the situation but Kirsten came out of the bathroom already smirking at me. I rolled my eyes almost running out of the house, I don't know why I was blushing but it was more embarrassing than what happened between me and Albert.


I saw Kirsten follow me outside, " hey uhm in all seriousness are you okay you seem to be really quite today?" She asked worriedly, " Yes, I just need some air" I muttered. She went back inside while I stood outside trying to figure out why I was blushing and why these butterflies where swarming in my stomach. Did I have feelings for him? I can't it wasn't worth rejection and I didn't even know if I actually liked Albert.


I went back inside trying to brush off the experience, Kaiden and Ally both looked worried but Kirsten seemed kinda irritated like I said something that upset her. Albert was on the bed looking through instagram. I sat on the floor of his by him, I wanted to be around him it's just I felt like I would mess up our friendship somehow. I jumped to the sound of Albert talking, " Hey you guys wanna get Chipotle for dinner, I can pay if you guys want?" Everyone nodded. I felt Albert sit on the floor next to me, I laid down on alberts lap looking up at him. I felt kinda safe I guess, he made me feel at home if I even knew what that felt like. We sat there talking a little while the others went out and were looking around the city more.


I felt a something shaking me lightly, it was Albert. The food was here, everyone sat down at the table or on the bar stools. We all ate our food, having conversations and laughing almost choking. We all watched a movie after cause they just like movies, but Kirsten went to go stream so her fan wouldn't get mad I guess.


Everyone at this point had winded down and fell asleep but me and I think Albert, I gave him occasional glances. I would see him on his phone or also looking at me, you could tell we don't sleep much on a normal day to day basis. " Hey" Albert whispered trying to get my attention " Hm?" I question, " Wanna go do something I'm bored" he still whispered but it was more soft now in a comforting way. " Yeah sure let me grab my shoes" I said excited. I quickly grabbed my shoes and put my hair in two briads, while also putting on a skirt cause It was right there.


Alberts POV

"Woah" I said under my breath, " what did you say, sorry I didn't hear" oak laughed as we walked out the door, "oh nothing" I lied. She was smiling, I felt butterflies fill my stomach and my face was turning a tint of pink. Her smile was so pretty i couldn't help but smile back. " let's go on the train!" she exclaimed. i nodded excitedly, i loved train so much for no reason.


train?? 😎😎 @oakiezz

Albertstufftrain?? 😎😎 @oakiezz

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!Real life

We walked to the train station it took a while but it was defiantly worth it. Though we had no idea where to go we still got on not worried or anything. 
Oakley sat next to me griping my hand seconds later, we both had hints of pink on our cheeks. i wondered if i liked her i mean she is pretty and literally gives me butterflies for just sitting next to me but i pushed it away and enjoyed the moment.


hmm might continue maybe not but i posted for the people who still read, bye guys ily!! :))

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