Chapter 28 - The Unfaithful Princess

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"Where is he right now?" Athanasia pronounced softly. Carsein stood behind her, his face completely closed of all expression. If she would not reveal hers, he would not reveal his. The wizard she had asked shook his head.

"Princess... I do believe Sir Lucas has taken him to the dungeons of Garnett Palace and is still there."

"I see." She lifted her blue eyes to Felix. "You. Take us there." The guard bowed and started walking without waiting. He knew the state she was in, he certainly didn't want to add to it with his words.

Lilian York.

So she really was... Felix couldn't believe it, or at least couldn't understand it. Why her? Why hadn't the intruder waited for Athanasia to arrive? What benefit could he possibly have in killing the young noblewoman?

When they reached the gates of the Emperor's palace, the cold literally hit the blonde's reddened cheeks. Her cloak covered her shoulders, but her dress literally let the wind pass through her body. Yet, she was not trembling. Nothing. No reaction at all.

"Your Majesty." Felix stopped in front of what appeared to be Claude. Behind him, the small brunette seemed to have followed suit and followed the conversations closely.

"So?" Claude asked.

"An intruder broke into Princess Athanasia's palace. He possessed black magic so Sir Lucas took him to the dungeons. We were just on our way there." As he finished his sentence, Athanasia passed them without waiting.

"I can move from here by myself." The click of her heels on the cold marble made Jeanette tremble. She looked at Athanasia and then at Felix, asking answers.

"Athanasia." Claude's voice reached the princess's ears but she didn't stop.

"Athanasia." What did he want with her? She certainly didn't want to hear his voice right now. She had to get to Lucas, she had to see him. Now.

"Athanasia de Alger Obelia, the Emperor is speaking to you. Stop at this instant." This time her steps slowed to a complete stop. Slowly, she turned her face, eyebrows furrowed, toward his direction. "Now that I got your attention, what happened?"

'Since when did you care enough about me?' She wanted to ask him. But instead, she left him without an answer. Felix then tried to take over the conversation.

"Your Majesty-"

"I didn't ask you anything, Felix." And so he slowly advanced toward Athanasia, who was still staring at him, more than angry. "Is this intruder the cause of your behavior? Just for entering your palace, you have the right to do whatever you want to him." He finally stopped a few feet away from her.

"This has nothing to do with you, Your Majesty. I'll handle this on my own."

"Really? Yet I have the power to keep you out of the dungeons if I want to."

Clenching her fists, she retorted, "Will you?" After a small moment of silence, Claude smirked. "Are you playing with me? Because I don't have time to do so with you. Go ahead and forbid me to go in there. But I won't stay put."

And this time he burst into a frank laugh that surprised everyone.

"F-Father!?" Jeanette's jaw nearly dropped to the floor. This was not the time, not at all. Athanasia's eyes turned black with anger and hatred. What right did he have to laugh at a time like this? She had no more patience, not after Lilian, but she did not want to waste time with him either.

Same World, Same Princess, Different Path [WMMAP]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant