⭐|¦_Prophecy Of Rescue The Goddess!_¦|⭐

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"Percy, you're the leader. You've been in the camp longer than me." Thalia said.

Percy sighed and said "Fine. We will be co-leading."

Percy had assigned me to stay at the creek and guard. He said the water in the creek will energize me, whatever it means.

I heard that the Hunters of Artemis had an unbreakable streak. They had a streak of 56.

I asked about them from the campers. Apparently, they hate males. Artemis is the man-hating goddess and turns them into jackalopes for coming in contact with her, or just flirting with her. Now it made sense why she was disgusted by me. I had shuddered when they said they enjoy castrating males. So they were like the Forever Knights, except they were all females and they hated males instead of aliens.

I listened to the plan Malcolm had, the current head counselor because Annabeth was missing.

It was actually a good plan. Unfortunately, the enemy was really experienced in stealth. I wish I could use my Omnitrix, but I knew I couldn't. First, I couldn't reveal myself completely, and second, because the transformation feature wasn't working.

As I stood near the creek, I saw a flash of silver whizzing past me.

I saw the hunter, who had a silver tiara on her head. She looked like a Persian princess. She said "Stay there, boy."

I replied "Nope. Not moving. At least not without fighting." I dialled my omnitrix in force of habit, only to remember it wasn't working. Great.

I summoned my Diamondhead sword and shield. It appeared in my hands. I took an experimental swing. The girl took out two hunting knives as she got in a stance. She said "Thy will pay for insulting Lady Artemis!" and leapt unto me.

I blocked a blow with my shield and the other with a sword. I put some force into the shield to push her back. She taunted "Thy shall die!" What was up with the language?

The omnitrix beeped *Activating translator.* I started speaking "Thy shall not pass! Thee won't recieve the flag!"

The girl looked at me strangely. She quickly got over it and kicked me in the spot.

To say it hurt, was like an understatement. I cried out "Oww!" and the girl sped past me.

After few minute of recollecting myself, I found out the Hunters had won. Again. While I found myself witnessing the fight of Percy and Thalia. They were screaming their heads off, accusing each other of losing.

I shouted "Percy, stop! This is none of your fault! Treat it like a game!"

They pretended not to hear me, while the Hunters were talking to each other. It seemed like the girl I fought was their leader. Then I saw something wierd.

I saw a mummy walking to the girl, and Percy stopped fighting, looking at the mummy strangely.

"Never. How did she get here?" someone asked.

The mummy walked up to the tiara girl and spoke out

Six shall go west to the goddess in chains,
One shall be lost in the land without rain,
The bane of Olympus shows the trail,
Campers and Hunters combined prevail,
A shape-shiftter shall join arm,
And the alliance must remain calm,
The Titan's curse must one withstand,
And one shall perish by a parent's hand.

I became alert. It was obvious the shape shifter was me. I couldn't tell it to anybody yet.

Because I was experienced in undercover missions with Rook (I had done a lot of them, thank you very much), I had a sneaking suspicion that there were spies in the camp.

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