⭐⭐⭐|¦_From Tam To Cam(p)_¦|⭐⭐⭐

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"You're giving me a quest!?"

Athena sighed in frustration, probably thinking that I did not get the idea. "Yes. And as much as I didn't agree to it, Zeus's word was final. Even Poseidon agreed with Zeus."

I groaned, not because I didn't want a quest, but because of the bad timing. My omnitrix had taken a major devolution, and Azmuth had not listened to my pleas. Yeah, he could be stubborn when he wanted.

"Look, I really want to do the quest, but it's not a good ide-"

"Are you or are you not a demigod?"

"What?" I asked, completely bewildered by Athena's random question.

She closed her eyes for 2 second before opening them. Uh-oh, I think she was getting pissed now.

"I mean, I am." I replied quickly to avoid her wrath. Then she said "And you're a sea spawn on top of that. Even if I do not like admitting it, Barnacle Beard's spawns are naturally powerful. Do you have to rely on that watch?"

I blinked at the question. I had never thought of that. I slowly asked "What do you even mean?"

She sighed in exasperation. "Stupid sea spawns." She muttered to herself, but I heard it. "What I am meaning to imply is that you simply use your heritage! The watch does not define you, your heritage is a big part!"

I took a step back, because Athena's eyes were becoming intense, as if it could set something on fire just by looking. "I'm... I don't know! I've never used my powers like that!"

"THEN USE IT! My patience is running thin, and you are doing the quest whether you like it or not! Good day." and she signalled me to close my eyes.

After she flashed out of cabin 3, I sighed in frustration. Damn the Omnitrix! Damn Azmuth! Damn Paradox! Why couldn't I get a straight answer for once!?

I noticed a blue envelope lying innocently, waiting for itself to be opened. I immediately knew it was from my dad and started opening it.

Maybe it would have some tips on how to handle my powers. I tore it open and opened the slightly wet paper. On it written 5 words : The Sea Cannot Be Restrained.

Or not. I seriously thought screaming my throat open because not even dad could give me a straight answer. I got up and threw the contents of the letter on the bunk. As much as I wanted it to throw to the trash, I couldn't or it would anger dad. I couldn't let myself forget that my dad was Poseidon, Ruler of the Oceans.

I got out of the cabin and walked towards the big house. Sitting there were Gwen, Kevin and Chiron. Mr. D was apparently gone from the camp for some business.

"Hey Chiron, I'll be gone for a few days. Athena assigned me a quest to Mt. Othrys." I said to him.

Chiron nodded "Alright Ben. Go and seek the oracle, and return back safely."

Gwen raised her eyebrow "Nobody returns from the oracle safely?"

I rolled my eyes "No, he's just being dramatic." But Chiron still had a grimace on his face "Right?" I asked, a bit unsure now.

"There are some things that should not be in your knowledge about the oracle. They work in mysterious ways. That is all I am going to say." Chiron replied.

"Dude, if you're going, then can we come?" Kevin asked me. Before I gave an affirmation Chiron said "Not yet. If the Prophecy states that he goes alone, nobody should accompany him."

"What happens if we do?" Kevin asked.

"There was one camper who had to go alone and he went with one of his other friend. But he ended up returning alone, his friend killed by a Nemean Lion." Chiron replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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