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Edited 9/30/22

Bruce POV

I slowly wake up and find that I'm still in the common room laying on the couch. "Jarvis? What time is it?" I yawn and shift a little on the couch. I don't want to wake Sally up, but my arm has gone completely numb from her laying on it.

"It is currently 1 PM sir."

"Okay, thanks Jarvis." I mumble and start to close my eyes again. Wait... "1 PM?" I sit up in a haste and Sally groans from the abrupt movement. I look down and softly rub her head. "Wake up, sweetheart. It's 1 PM." I whisper.

She sits up straighter and looks at me wide eyed. "I PM? How did we sleep in so long?" She whispers back. "Why am I whispering?" She continues to whisper.

"Well well well. What do we have here? Two doctors still in there clothes from yesterday. Scandalous." Rose walks in and smirks at us. She moves Sally's feet off the couch and sits down beside us. "Nat wants to play another game tonight." Sally moves away from me and lays her head in Roses lap.

"Another game? I don't think Tony has forgiven Steve yet for kissing both of you. Is that really a good idea?" I ask her as I get up off the couch and make my over to the coffee pot in the kitchen.

"Yeah, but Tony's just jealous that Steve got kissed by the best kissers in the whole tower." I look over and see her winking at my soulmate.

"How do you know that Sally is a great kisser?" I raise an eyebrow at her and she smirks back in response.

"You're a scientist, Bruce. So you should know that scientists like to experiment before settling for something."

Rose and Sally?

"Just don't tell Nat." I sigh and turn back to making my coffee.

"Don't tell Nat what?" Natasha walks into the room as my mug drops to the ground and shatters.

"Uh, n-nothing. Nothing." I gulp and look down at the mess I made.

"Okay, sure Brucie. Whatever you say." She replies slowly. "Anyways. Jarvis? Can you get Steve, Tony, and Clint down here please?"

"Of course, Agent Romanoff." Jarvis replies.

{Time Skip}

"Never have I ever...had a threesome." Sally says.

Nat wanted us to play Dirty Never Have I Ever. It's everyone from yesterday, plus Thor who decided to make an appearance right before the game started. He brought some Asgardian liquor for him and Steve to drink if they've done something that is said, while everyone else just has vodka.

Only Tony drank his shot. "Seriously? I can't be the only one. What about you three? You're soulmates for crying out loud!" Tony huffs and slouches on the couch.

"We haven't had sex with Rose yet." Clint shrugs. "Okay. Never have I ever sent nudes to someone." Again, only Tony drinks and Steve has the meanest glare on his face.

"Never have I ever been skinning dipping." I speak up. Sally, Rose, and Tony drink.

"Wait. I did it for a dare with Rhodey. What's your guys excuse?" Tony points at Sally and Rose.

"We felt like it, Tin Man." Rose smirks at him and Sally just blushes.

"Never have I ever had sex with someone who wasn't my soulmate after already meeting my soulmate." Thor says. He hasn't met his soulmate yet, but his soul mark is blue and red background with a gold star on the front of it.

No one drinks and we look at Tony, waiting for him to drink. "What? I didn't sleep with anyone after meeting Steve. I'm not heartless."

"There's no need to lie, Tony. Everyone know you were dating Pepper when you met me." Steve mumbles and looks at his hands. Tony is quick to lift Steve's face back up so they're face to face again.

"I know I was still dating her for a little while, but I never let it get that far. Even though I was being stubborn about it, I still cared for you. It made me sick even thinking about betraying you like that. You're my whole world, Stevie." Tony lays his forehead against Steve's. I've never heard Tony be this sincere about anything, but I know that Steve means everything to him.

"I love you." I faintly hear Steve whisper as he pulls away from Tony. "Can we change this game to just regular Never Have I Ever, please?" Steve looks at Nat.

"Of course, Rogers. Never have I ever got a tattoo." Nat says. Sally and Rose both drink.

"What's the tattoo?" I ask. Sally shows me her tattoo that says, "Keep me wild" on her right wrist. "How did I not see that?" I whisper and turn her arm to get a closer look.

Rose shows her tattoo next that says, "Keep me safe".

Rose shows her tattoo next that says, "Keep me safe"

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"That's really sweet." Steve smiles at them.

"She's my best friend. I wanted something that was just ours." Sally says and lays her head on my shoulder.

"It's our platonic soulmate tattoo." Rose jokes and smiles at Sally.

"Brucie. We should get a platonic soulmate tattoo." Tony pouts at me.

"Sorry, Tony. That's not going to happen.


Except it did happen, two days later Tony convinced me to get a small "Science Bro" tattoo with him on the inside of our pinky's.

Now we're platonic soulmates.

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