Bad Feelings

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They heard of a witch with great power near them, so they checked it out. Lillian felt awful about talking to the witch; she didn't know why but trusted her gut feeling. She couldn't go home because of Danny, but right now, she would instead go home and head to a place where a witch was. Lillian didn't like the feeling she was getting. Maybe she knew the witch, and she cursed her, or something else was going to happen that was worse. It was dark out, and the stairs were shining brightly. The moon was full, making it bright in the darkness. It still didn't make her feel better; she felt like she had been three this before. But whatever was keeping her memories locked away was giving her the warning.

"Geralt, we shouldn't go to the witch, I know we are almost there, but we can't. I have a bad feeling that we need to turn around," she informed.

"Get over it, Lillian. We need to find out who put that mark on you, why that mark is on you, and how to get that mark off of you." Geralt said as she walked beside him.

"Lillian, everything will be fine. That which will not hurt you," Jaskier said confidently.

"I'm not worried about that! Geralt, I know my mark can hurt people, but that witch, or whatever comes after meeting her, will be bad. Please trust me to know this," Lillian said.

"We are not turning around; we are right there," Geralt informed.

"Geralt, I am telling you I have a gut feeling that something terrible would happen, and you are just going to brush it off like it's nothing?" Lillian asked.

"You are worried that you may have hurt the witch somehow, and that is the mark. Get over it," Geralt said as he tied Roach up.

Geralt understood why she was afraid, but they needed answers. He cared about her, and the mark turned her into a person he didn't recognize. He hated it, as did Lillian, and Jaskier was terrified by her. Geralt wanted to know everything about Lillian and if she was a good person or not. Jaskier planted doubts in his mind, and now he couldn't shake them.

"Geralt, I am being as serious as I can be something bad is going to happen, but you are not listening to me! Do you not trust me anymore?" Lillian asked.

"I do, but I don't trust whatever thing is inside of you. I need to know what it is, Lillian, so we are going to see the witch," he said.

Lillian was trying so hard to be understanding, but with everything that was going on, she felt like her body was warning her.

"Okay, but I warned you," Lillian said as he got off Roach and tied her up.

He knocked on the door, and a naked man came to the door.

"Dear lord!" She shrieked, and she covered her eyes.

"Hello?" Geralt said as Jaskier was equally as confused.

"I need to get apple juice for the host," the man said, making Geralt realize he was under a spell.

"He is under a spell. He is harmless," Geralt said as he went in and saw a pitcher filled with some juice.

"I'm not going in there with a naked man!" She said.

"You saw Geralt naked," Jaskier pointed out.

"Hey! It was for medical reasons," she informed as he rolled his eyes and dragged her inside.

Jaskier followed Geralt, and they were led to an orgy party. Lillian couldn't believe her eyes turned red on the face while Jaskier enjoyed seeing all the naked women.

"Jaskier, cover your eyes!" Lillian demanded.

"Are you kidding me?" Jaskier asked as he was enjoying the view.

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