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the high, gentle tweets of multiple birds could be heard outside the glass pane. with their pocket-sized feet gripping the electricity wires, the flapped their wings, seemingly talking to each other.

while the sound of their cute tweetings were heard outside, it was not audable in the restaurant the two friends were eating at right bow.

claiming that the (h/c)nette was spending more time with her new best friend haruchiyo, baji suggested- or rather forced her to eat peyoung yakisoba with him at a nearby fast-food restaurant.

he deserves it is what he says, since she's his first friend and he's her first friend. that was a cute little thing they shared, they would play with each other when they were four. then came in mikey when they were five.

with the ravenette's cute little star pants and a random polo shirt, he stuffed a handful of noodles in his mouth, not caring if his hair has got a bit of sauce splattered on it.

the girl sighed at him, taking a piece of napkin and dabbing it on the side of his mouth that got bits of food on it. well, she can't really blame the boy for his improperness.

they were only nine years old right now after all.


baji stared at her, making her tilt her head at him with an arched eyebrow.


"..it's nothin'. you've just gotten.. calmer?" he tilted his head back, checking to see her reaction if his use of words were correct or wrong again. thankfully, his wording is correct.

"ahh.. that's mostly because shinichiro-nii-san and takeomi-san has been disciplining me."

baji choked.

"you.. you call him shinichiro-nii-san now!?"

"well, he forced me to.. and quiet down!" a pebble smacked his forehead, "we're not alone, don't just shout all of the sudden."

he scoffed, "speak for yourself, when we were five you basically threw a fit in public and screamed at us!"

she diverted her eyes, sweatdropping at the memory four years ago.

"..that was in the past, keisuke."

"hmmm... i have no doubt you'll be screaming at us in the future like that again." he mumbled before taking his chopsticks and eating their shared yakisoba again.

"mn." she simply nodded.

the girl watched the boy infront of her eat the food blissfully, butterflies and heart seemingly appearing behind him along with sparkles. y/n fondly smiled at him and baji noticed.

"stop.." he mumbled, avoiding her gaze.

"pfft, you're just so adorable."

heat quickly rised up to his face and he managed to glare at her in this situation.

"i- you're just like my ma. stop it, y/n."

"oh? are you mom zoning me? how cute." she tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear making the poor boy flinch.


"bitch, i told you to stop!!" he slammed his hands on the table, scowling at her as he did so. many other customers turned to them only to see a blushing ravenette and a hysterically laughing girl.

"pfft- hahaha!" she held her stomach, tears pricking her eyes from laughing too much, "please you're so easy to rile up, keisuke!"

"..i swear to god y/n." he ran a hand down his face in embarrassment.

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