28: I choose you

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"Khanyi, work with me please." I am trying to get her in the car, the G wagon that is, Kai left with the Buggati. He still has not bought a new car.
She keeps slapping me and pulling my hair.

"Ms girl, my hairline, you tore my vagina now you want my hairline?" She begins laughing "I keep telling everyone you know what you did and they say you don't, but I know the truth. Now let's get you ready to go, let me get your bag, don't you dare move." I walk out and leave her in the crib while I take my handbag and her baby bag downstairs.

"She looks like quite the handful." I let go of my things, there are three men in our house, one is sitting on my couch while the others are standing. They are here because of Kaiser, they must be.

"Who... Who are you?"

"You can say we are friends with your baby daddy." They look at each other and chuckle, I was not born yesterday.

"What do you want? He is not here."

"Oh, we know. Kindly go into your room fetch your baby and get into the car." I walk backwards "leave the phone."

"It's in my bag." It's upstairs.

"Turn around." I turn and lift my shirt.


"Don't get an attitude." I roll my eyes and rush to the nursery, I grab my phone and I text Zale, he lives the closest, I also call him but I lower the volume on my phone so that he will see the message.

"Okay Khanyi, will you keep quiet for Mama, we are going somewhere," I say trying to make sure Zale got the message.

I hear the door being busted open and gunshots being fired, I cover Khanyi and shield her with my body, she starts crying.

"It's okay, baby girl, it's okay mama's baby, it's okay my little angel, it's going to be alright, we are okay." She calms down and sinks into my chest.

"Kamo?" Pacer calls out.

"Nursery." I cover Khanyi's face, Pacer walks in with Shadow following him. Blood is splattered onto their shoes and clothes

"We called someone to help us clean up, so could you stay up here for a while?"

"Yeah, thank you guys for coming so quickly, how did you get here so quickly?"

"We were parked outside your neighbour's house, Kai didn't want you stressed out about it so he told us to park there. They came in with a FedEx van so we thought you had a few packages, we are sorry."

"It's okay, nothing bad happened, thank you guys though." They walk out and I dial Kai.

"Kitten, I am on my way back, what's up?"

"Nothing much, I miss you and so does Khanyi."

"You do not sound okay, is there something else?"

"Uhm yeah well, three guys broke in and wanted me to go with them but Pacer, Shadow, and Zale took care of it and they are taking care of the mess as we speak."

"Are you okay?"

"No, I do not think I am." He sighs

"Fuck!" Knowing my man, he is probably speeding right now, racing this way.

"You better not be speeding, I think we need to talk, this isn't working." That sounded worse than what I meant.

"What, what do you mean?" His voice gets deeper, angrier

"This thing of me not knowing anything about what you do. It affects me even if I know nothing, I might as well know."

"We can talk about it. I am going as fast as I can."

"I know. We will talk when you get here." I hang up and wait for Shadow and Zale. I stay on the floor and play with Khanyi.

"We are done." I get up with Khanyi in my hands and head downstairs. There is no blood or bodies insight.

"Once again, thank you, guys, would have been dead without you." Literally. They nod and head out. "We still have to go somewhere but I am so shaken up we are getting them delivered." She laughs and points toward her rolling chair. I put her in it as I go to grab my laptop and phone.

"Khanyi!" She is trying to eat a plug. "Here you go, stop trying to eat plugs." I hand her a teething toy to her. "Play with that while I get things." I go onto the website and begin ordering all the things I am going to need around the house before ordering a few books as well.

We spend the day making cupcakes and muffins. We separate them because we are going to give some to Sibo and Kate as well as my dad, he has been better, still not himself but better. He came back after three months because his leave from work was over. He buries himself in work but I understand.

The garage door opens and Khanyi looks towards the door. I rinse my hands and wipe them. The door opens and he walks to the basement before coming back up to hug Khanyi before hugging me.

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him, he places a kiss on my forehead.

"Glad you are safe." He lets go of me and grabs a muffin. "You are getting better." I smile, before closing the container and facing him.

"We were going to my dad's, are you coming with us?" He nods

"Let me go change."

We arrive at my dad's house, we walked, he carried Khanyi while I carried the goodies.

"How did you know, I was missing her." He says opening the door and holding his hands out, Kai hands her over

"And we brought something." I place the goodies on the table.

"How nice of you, did you cook it?"

"It is muffins and cupcakes and yes I made it." He looks at Kai before shrugging and taking one.

"They taste good, have you been cooking?"

"I'm not that bad but yes, I have been practising."

"We are all glad," my dad says before sitting down with Khanyi. Kai and I go into the kitchen to cook something for us all. We usually do the groceries for my dad, we go and buy all of this, and I do come to clean and do his laundry.

We are doing the best we can to help my dad adjust. While Kai is cooking I sit on the counter, he finishes stirring and comes to me.

"I missed you," I whisper and he stands in front of me.

"I missed you, you gave me a fright with that call."

"I was frightened about having three men that I do not know in our house," I murmur, he places a kiss on my forehead

"We will talk about that later."

"You brought it up."

"I know, I'm sorry, let's get back to making dinner and light talk." I nod as I stand by him as he cooks.

We continue talking until he is done. I set the table and get Khanyi fed and sleeping so that the adults can talk.

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