38: Don't leave me

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I close the door and find him sleeping on the couch, Khanyi on his chest. How could I risk this for two minutes of petty revenge? I take Khanyi to her bed and place a kiss on her forehead.

"How was your evening?" He asks leaning on the threshold of the kitchen as I try to make something to eat.

"Uhm, about tonight," my throat feels dry, my hands are shaking and I feel cold. "I was mad at you and that was why I went out and while I was out, I got drunk and I... I kissed Chris." His expression changes from concern to anger

"You what?"

"It didn't mean anything and..."

"You kiss someone else?"

"Yes but it didn't..."

"Because I came home late?"

"No, it wasn't just cause you came home late, you left Khanyi at Sibo's and didn't tell me, you didn't text me and I was worried you were dead."

"You should have spoken to me!" He hits the cupboard near him

"I was angry!"

"So angry that you risked our relationship?"

"That is not why I did it."

"Why then, enlighten me?"

"I was angry yes, not enough to risk this, I was drunk." He scoffs "and I made a poor choice not thinking about the consequences."

"Yeah, you can make poor choices but I can't. Got it." He nods as he looks up

"It is not that same."

"Yeah it's not, yours is worse." I can see the slight tears in his eyes

"We both made mistakes."

"Yeah mine was choosing to make sure my friend got home to his family, yours was kissing another guy."


"You should have spoken to me about that instead of going out." He wipes his eyes

"I was angry and I was not thinking straight, I am sorry, I want to fix this."

"Yeah well sorry can not fix this and I am just too mad to even be looking at you, I will be at Zale's." He grabs his keys and goes to the garage. He comes back in


"From the bottom of my heart, fuck you!" He yells before leaving again. Tears stream from my eyes, I reach for my phone and call Sibo.

"He hates me."

"He doesn't hate you."

"He does and I don't blame him, I would hate me too."

"Baby, come on, he is angry, rightfully so but he does not hate you, he loves you."

"Why did I even go out?"

"You thought you would feel better."

"And I did for a while, I looked good and it felt good to go out again. Can I move in with you when he kicks me out?"

"He is not going to kick you out."

"You don't know that, he was so angry, I have never seen him that angry at me."

"I know you guys can make it through this, you at least have to try."

"Yeah. I am so stupid."

"Stop beating yourself up, you have school tomorrow."

"And Chris is there."

"Oh, girl, I don't know what to tell you but I will beat him up if he tries something."

"I know you will." She massages my temples.

"I will take you to school and fetch you."

"Thank you Sibo, are you sleeping here?"

"Unfortunately no, I will stay until you fall asleep though."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

When I woke up, she was gone and Kai was still not here. It rubbed in my mistake, I hurt him and I am a horrible person for that because he does mot deserve that. I got Khanyi ready before getting ready for school.

I got her in the car without her pulling any of my braids.

"Look at us." She looks at me as though I am crazy "Who would have thought? Not me." She does not look amused.


"We are going to him now. "

"Dada!" Yep.

Stopping in front of Zale's house, I text Kai. He opens the door and comes to the car.

"Hey, princess." He takes her bag and gets her out of the seat. "Don't spit on me."

"Kai, the wipes are next to her."

"I know." That hurt, it did, more than it should because I deserve it. He wipes her spit off of him and closes the door. I hate this, why did I fuck up?

It was infuriating looking at Chris because all I associate him with now is Kai's pain.

After school, I went directly home.
"Khanyi! Kai!" No response, I assumed they would be here. I text Kai that I am at home and he can bring Khanyi. I take a nap before the study group, I needed it.

"Kamo!" Sue wakes me up.

"Hey, is everyone here?" She shakes her head

"Just me." I nod. "So about yesterday, I saw you kiss Chris."

"Yeah, a lot of people saw that."

"Did you and Kai break up?"

"I don't know."

"So is he here?"

"No, he is at a friend's place." I get into the kitchen and fetch the snacks, as I get the drinks I notice a note on the fridge.

"So he won't be here?"

"No." It is from Kai "Can you put this in the dining room?" She nods and takes the snacks with her.

I need a break from you, I took Khanyi to Belgium. She will video call you every day.

Did he leave? With Khanyi? I take a moment to compose myself before everyone gets here. I messaged the note to Sibo before going on with the Study group.

Everyone has already heard about Chris and I and it annoyed me how much they were saying that Kai deserves better because I know he does and I know I can be better. I am a dick if I am being honest. He does not deserve the crap I put him through.


It gets better, lets's just stay together for now

Enjoy your day❤

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