Glamrock Freddy x Depressed! GN! Reader (ANGST)

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(A/N Please Read!): Hi! So I decided to make a part 2,to the Glamrock Freddy x Reader Angst. I felt pretty proud of it and I felt like it needed a 2nd part.

This oneshot contains blood,and self harm.

(If you are suffering from depression,and are committing self harm to yourself,please seek help! And don't worry,life gets better. Bad comes with good,and vice versa. <3)


It's been 2 months since Gregory's death,Freddy and I have been pretty close ever since. And I've been visiting him at the Pizzaplex.

I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm,groaning,I slowly sit up and turn it off. I get up and walk into the bathroom,looking at myself in the mirror.

My eyes have bags under them and my hair is messy,I sigh as thoughts start to flood my head.

What a loser! Ha! You left Gregory for dead!

You let him die,alone,with that gator!

Gregory's dead! And it's all,your,fault!

You're a monster.

Tears well up in my eyes as I head into the kitchen and grab a knife,staring at the shiny silver kitchenware. I walk back into the bathroom and lock the door.

I slowly put the knife to my wrist,hovering just above it. Do I really want to do this? ... Of course I want to! Gregory died and it's all my fault. I ran away when I could've helped him.

I left him for dead,and it's true. They're right. I put the knife on my skin,slightly shivering at the cold feeling. Dragging the knife across my skin,the cherry red liquid slowly pouring out.

I deserve this. I deserve to suffer. I'm a monster.

I set the knife on the counter,and begin to treat my wrist. Turning on the tap and putting my wrist under it. I then wash the knife and hide it somewhere no one will find.

...Well,time for me to visit Freddy. I fix my hair and put on some clothes,grabbing my phone and purse. I walk out the door and head to the Pizzaplex.


I arrive at the building and open the doors,taking in the smell of freshly cooked pizza and soda. I knew that Freddy had to preform today so I'd have to wait.

I walk to the food court and sit down at one of the tables,I order a pizza and soda. I pull out my phone to avoid boredom while waiting for the food.

The waitress bot came back with my food and drink and sets it on my table. I put my phone back in my purse and start eating.


The show was finally over which means I could see Freddy now,I get up from the table with a small smile on my face. I walk towards his room,and knock on the door. Hearing a 'come in!' I open the door and walk in,closing it behind me.

"Hey there superstar" Freddy greeted me,looking away from his mirror and turning towards me. "Hey Freddy" I say,walking towards his red couch and sitting down.

"Would you like a fizzy faz?" He asks me,tilting his head slightly as his ears wiggled. I smiled and blushed at his cuteness "yes I would like one Freddy,thank you."

He bends down and opens up his mini fridge and grabs a orange flavored fizzy faz for me. He hands it to me and I grab it,opening it and drinking from the can.

"So,how's my superstar doing today?" Freddy asked,his ears wiggling "I'm doing good,how are you Freddy?" I didn't want to lie to him but I can't let him know.

"Oh well thank you for asking! I am doing quite well. And I'm glad to hear my superstar is doing good too!" Freddy said,attempting to smile. I smiled at his antics and put the soda down on the table.

I let out a yelp in suprise when Freddy suddenly hugs me,making us fall. My wrist rubs against the couch,irritating it. "Ouch!" I yell as I quickly sit up. "Oh my! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you." Freddy apologizes profusely as I try not to panick.

"Here let me help you-" my eyes widen as he grabs my hand and rolls up my sleeve,revealing the cut. I stare in shock as Freddy doesn't seem to notice at first,but then his eyes widened.

"Superstar,have you..." Freddy begins "I-I'm sorry" I whisper as tears come flowing.

"Oh dear" he then treats my cut as I wince a bit at the alcohol "I know it hurts I'm sorry" Freddy apologized. "N-no,it's okay" I reassured him as I watched him bandage my wrist.


"Y/N...why did you do it?" Freddy questions as he turns his head towards me,a sad look on his face. I can't hold back the tears and just let them flow, "I'm sorry! I couldn't handle the guilt of his death and the voices were right! I left him for dead! His death was my fault! I'm a monster."

I start crying and shaking,Freddy hugs me "Y/N,you're not a monster,nor was Gregory's death your fault. You were panicking and didn't know what to do. And you didn't know that would happen. Please don't say such terrible things about yourself,Y/N."

I lift my head up to look at his ocean blue eyes, "I know it wasn't..but I still felt horrible about it. Thank you,Freddy." I hug him tighter and kiss his cheek "anything for you,my superstar."

He kisses my forehead and I blush and smile at him,he returns the smile as I sit up from his embrace. I put my hands in his as I stared dreamily at him,I take a deep breath. "U-uhm Freddy,I wanted to ask you this so..." I paused,blushing already "Freddy Fazbear,will you be my lover?" (I know,quick transition all of a sudden-)

His face lights up as he smiles,err..attempts to- and hugs me. He kisses my cheek "I would love to!" Freddy exclaims,I smile and hug him back. And we sit there for what seems like hours.


Freddy and I head towards rockstar row,hand in hand. Roxy,Monty,and Chica are already there waiting for us.

Roxy chuckles as she smirks at us,leaning against the wall. "Damn Freddy,he getting all the girls!" Roxy jokingly says,earning a snicker from Monty and a eyeroll from Chica.

"Roxyyyyy" I groaned,stretching out the 'y'. Freddy blushes as he covers his face,I smile at this. Man he's so cute! <3

(A/N): Man I'm proud of this oneshot and the other one,I probably won't make a 3rd part but who knows? Maybe I will. :)

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