Moon x Blind! GN! Reader

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゚・:*✿ This oneshot was requested by MourningMad



I jolted awake,startled. Opening my eyes,unfortunately seeing nothing besides the unwelcoming void. "Yes mom?" My hoarse and dry-voiced-throat spoke up,staring in what I assume is the direction of her.

"The pizza and drinks came,would you like to eat?" She questioned me,resting her hand on my shoulder. I thought for a moment before coming to a conclusion. "Sure." I stated.

I heard the noises of what I think is my mother grabbing the tray with pizza on it,and the drinks. "Do you need help eating sweetie?" She offered, "yeah,I would like that,thanks mom." I thanked her,getting comfortable in my seat.

"Alright,open your mouth Y/N." She said,holding the delicious smelling pizza infront of my mouth. I opened my mouth and allowed access for her.

After she fed me two slices of pizza,she also offered help with the soda I ordered. Wow,she's so sweet. I smiled thinking of how nice my mother was.

I felt the urge to use the bathroom,so I announced that I would be leaving. "Do you want me to come with you,Y/N?" She asked,concern lacing her sweet voice. "Yeah sure,thanks a ton mom." I smiled at her.

My mother helped me up and we made our way towards the bathrooms. We heard a loud voice on the intercom speak.

"Freddy and the gang will be preforming a show in 5 minutes! Come on up to the stage now if you don't want to miss it!" The man spoke,soon after getting off the intercom.

My mom and I heard a lot of footsteps,running towards the stage. If I could see,I'm sure it would look like a stampede. I start to panick as I realize the crowd is heading in our direction.

My mom must have noticed this too as she began tugging on my arm,signaling me that we have to move quickly. "Come on Y/N we need to move now!" She shouted.

I complied and began speed-walking away with her,or at least we tried to. The bustling wave of people finally reached us as I lost my mom in the crowd. "Y/N!" She yelled for me, "MOM!" I shouted. Oh no. No,no,no! This is bad.

I try my best to get away,but to no avail. I get knocked over by some of them and I fall to the ground. I come head first into contact with the ground. My head hurts and I can't move with all the people,I feel my eyes slowly lower as I try to stay awake and move.

I felt like a cockroach trying to get up from it's back,but no matter how hard I tried,I just couldn't. I finally gave up and slipped out of consciousness.


"Ugh" I groaned,slowly getting onto my knees,using my hands as support. "W-what happened?" I questioned,trying to remember the events that led up to this very moment.

I finally remembered. Having to go to the bathroom,my mom coming with me. And then there was a huge crowd of people running to the stage for Freddy and the gang's performance. I lost my mom and I got knocked to the floor.

So that's how I ended up here... Oh boy... I don't think my mom is here. What am I going to do? I put my hands on my knees as I got up. I dusted off my hands.

I then hear a sound I could only describe as something turning off,followed by a hoarse,creepy laugh echoing in the building.

"H-hello? Who's t-there?" I spoke up,trembling. No response. Great. I called out once more "w-whoever is there,c-can you please come out?" I asked,this was probably a bad idea but I'll jump at the chance of possible help.

I heard the echoing laughter once again,except this time it was noticeably closer and I heard the sound of...bells? I slowly backed away as I tried to listen for any sounds.

I let out a gasp when I felt two cold hands slither up my back and onto my shoulders,the culprit's mouth right next to my ear. I shuddered when I felt their cold breath hitting my ear.

"And what might a pretty little thing like you be doing here at this hour?" Their hoarse and ominous voice spoke into my ear. I was trembling so much at this point it was like I was vibrating.

"P-please..don't h-hurt me..." I pleaded,hoping I wasn't going to die. "Oh don't worry,I won't. At least not yet." The culprit tried to reassure me. "Now,tell me dear,what are you doing here at such an hour?" The figure I'm assuming is a man,questioned once more.

His grip on me tightened ever-so-slightly and I whimpered,taking a shaky breath. "I-I with my mom earlier. And I had to go to the bathroom,so she went with me. Then a man on the intercom spoke and informed everyone that Freddy and the gang would be preforming in 5 minutes." I paused.

"...And then there was a stampede of people running to the stage. Unfortunately for my mom and I... w-we were in the way. I-I lost her in the crowd a-and I got knocked down to the floor...I fell head first to the floor and passed out..." I told him,taking in shallow and shaky breaths.

"Hm...well that's unfortunate..." He spoke up,I could tell he was genuine from the tone of his voice. "Well,what is your name starlight?" He asked,moving away from my ear.

"...I-it's Y/N.." I told him,slightly relaxing now that he wasn't at my ear. "Y/N...such a pretty name for a pretty little thing like you." He complimented,my face flushed with red as I calmed down some more.

"T-thanks...what's your name?" I asked him, "my name is Moon,dear." He replied,letting go of my shoulders. "M-Moon? I like t-that name." I complimented him back,finally relaxing.

"U-uhm hey,Moon? Do you know any place I could...s-stay at temporarily?" I asked him,eager to know his answer. "Well...there is one place I know of..." He replied,I cheered in my head and smiled.

"Come on" Moon said and grabbed my hand,I blushed and walked with him.


Moon and I finally arrived to our destination,he let go of my hand. I felt disappointed that I couldn't hold his hand for longer,but I brushed it off.

"Thank you for helping me Moon" I smiled "you're welcome,starlight" he replied,opening what sounds like a door. I blushed at the nickname.

He grabbed my hand once more and lead me into the place,he closed the doors and we walked again before coming to a stop. My eyes started to feel heavy as I yawned.

"Tired?" Moon chuckled "yeah..." I giggled a little. I got surprised as I felt his arms snake around my waist, "what are you-" I asked but got interrupted as he pulled me down onto his lap.

"You can sleep on me,starlight~" he said flirtatious-ly as my whole face burned up. "T-thank you..." I said as I got comfortable on Moon. "It's no problem dear" he chuckled as my eyes closed.

"Goodnight Moon" I mumbled, "goodnight starlight" he said as I felt a pair of lips on my forehead. I finally succumbed to my comfortable sleep.


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