001. real life

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third person.

It was 9:45 when Juniper walked through the doors of Studio 10. In one hand she carries a strawberry refresher from Starbucks, her hoodie, and her phone, while in the other she holds her copy of the Loser's Legacy script. Over her shoulder, Juniper carries her long shoulder purse with all her other essentials including her wallet, keys, red pen, mini perfume and lotion, lip gloss, reading glasses, sunglasses, and finally her AirPods.

Upon walking through the door, Juniper is met with air conditioning that contradicts the heat outside, the sight of many people she assumes is the director and crew, and a very large U-shaped table with at least 20 other chairs around it. It's quite obvious that it's at least 10 different tables pushed together with black sheets over each one. Juniper's entrance grabbed the attention of multiple people, one of them meeting her at the door.

"Juniper?" The woman asked, a kind and welcoming smile on her face. The woman looked quite familiar in the face, but Juniper seriously couldn't place it.

Juniper reciprocated her smile and responded naturally, "yes that's me."

"Hi, I'm Anna Thompson, we met during your auditions and have been in contact since you got the part." It was as if a lightbulb had suddenly gone off above Juniper's head.

"Oh my God, yes, you're the director!" Anna opened her arms for a hug that Juniper was quick to reciprocate. "It's so nice to see you again! And in such great circumstances!" The women separated, the joyous looks on their faces never faltering.

"Truly," Anna smiled. "Welcome to the table read, are you excited? I know this is your first time working on a major project, especially as the lead." Anna placed her hand on Juniper's arm.

She nodded eagerly, visibly relaxing at how comfortable Anna has made her feel, "words don't even begin to describe how excited and grateful I am for this incredible opportunity. I can't thank you enough." Anna moved beside Juniper, placing her hand on her back.

"Well, don't thank me just yet. I still need to see how this read-through goes." A certain seriousness is suddenly present in Anna's voice, confirming the impact and importance of this read-through.

"Right," Juniper nods.

"Anyways, let me show you where you'll be sitting." With her hand on Juniper's back, Anna walks forward toward the large U-shaped table as Juniper moves alongside her. Juniper couldn't help herself but to look around at her surroundings. Like Anna mentioned before, this is her first time working in a major production, let alone as the lead. She's been to plenty of read-throughs before, but never one of such magnitude or risk. If this doesn't go well, Juniper could lose the part. Obviously, that's terrifying.

Still, despite the high pressure situation, Juniper doesn't really feel too much pressure.

The U-shaped table seems to be getting even bigger as Juniper and Anna approach, the faces of those sitting around it get clearer, as well as the objects on the table. Microphones, water bottles, snack baskets, peoples personal belongings, things of that nature. There's cameras around the tables, ready to capture from any angle. Name tags sit in front of each sit that determine where everyone is meant to sit. Juniper has a pretty good guess as to where Anna has placed her.

Juniper's guess is confirmed when Anna directs her toward the table that is at the center of the U. This table has two chairs, one of which is already occupied by a man Juniper can't see the face of. On top of that, there's a few people surrounding him, smiling and lightly laughing with each other as they engage in conversation.

"Hey guys, this is Juniper Fisk, she will hopefully be playing the roll of our main girl Wren." Anna introduces Juniper warmly, a hand on her back and honesty in her eyes and a small smile as she speaks. Juniper returns Anna's smile before she continues, "Juniper, Jacob here will hopefully be playing the role of Ace."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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