Chapter Nineteen

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TW: mention of suicidal thoughts

You are loved. I love you. Thank you for being here, on this earth and with me right now. Thank you.

Canada Suicide Prevention Hotline:  1-833-456-4566 S

USA National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

France Suicide Écoute: 01 45 39 40 00

I encourage you to reach out for ressources in your country and near you

as always,

Much Love, 

C <3


Take them off. Three short words, three simple syllables echoing nonstop in Eden's brain. She had come too, shortly after hitting the ground, Eli's arms around her, a look of worry in his furrowed brows. The idea was absurd, she wanted to hear nothing of it, and yet there she sat once again at the conference table. The only thing grounding her, her mate's hand clasped tightly in her own as she waited to hear them out.

Nils had taken over for the harsh Elder woman, his tone calm and his words slow, almost as if he knew they were going in one ear and straight out the other. His demeanor was of someone attempting to sooth a spooked animal, which, Eden supposed was an appropriate enough comparison.

"Since your beast has been chained for so long, it's impossible for us to predict how it will react with a taste of freedom, My Dear. Having acknowledged this, we will need to take precautions, of that there is no doubt. But you are strong, in body and above all in mind, we are sure you will prevail."

"How sure?" Eden's voice was low, barely containing the quiver and stutter than were threatening her words.

Nils gave her a sympathetic smile, his eyes filled with compassion, she knew the answer already.

"We do not work in certainties, Child, you know this. As Elders we are tasked everyday with impossible circumstances and unprecedented cases like yours. To tell you I am certain would be to tell you I have all the answers, and lie to you, I will not."

He leaned back in his chair, "But, I will tell you this: I am sure it is our best and only option. You cannot continue to live this way, not as an Alpha, nor as a person. An Alpha is tasked with protecting their pack, and though I am sure you have made a valiant effort in human form, our laws are clear, a wolf is required in order to look out for the well-being of one's people. You cannot rule as you are."

A growl escaped from the protective male beside her. "It's okay Eli, I need to hear it." She squeezed his hand in a comforting gesture, though her heart was squeezing even harder inside her chest, her breaths coming shallow.

"And what about this, hm?" Nils motioned between them, "you have a mate, Dear. How long are you willing to go without his touch? Never starting a family, never holding one another as you rejoice, or as you grieve. Though you do not know me, I trust you know I would not tell you this if I did not think it the wisest course of action. To choose to remove the chains, is to choose to live." He let that thought hang heavy in the air, the room blanketed in silence as Eden sank back into her chair, a hand coming up to caress the chains along her forearms, feeling the comforting sting along her fingertips.

Though she had never said it aloud, to any person, place, or thing, Eden could tell that Nils had remarked upon the somber side of her, the one she had tried to bury deep within her soul. The Elder's eyes though kind, were inquisitive, he had read her like a book.

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