Chapter Thirteen

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Sorry about the wait guys, life sucks right now. But here it is finally, enjoy <3

The ride back was understandably tense. Her shoulder ached and throbbed as Elijah fretted himself over her. He was like a mother hen, constantly asking her what her pain levels were and what he could do to help. Other than the nice feeling of leaning against him, there was nothing he could do for her. She simply had to wait for the pack doctor to stitch her arm back up.

There were silly myths she had heard of, people who thought wolves were more inclined to heal, that their skin fused itself back together magically. She scoffed at the thought, she was flesh and blood just like anyone else, though their fast working immune systems did maybe speed the process up – she didn't know, she had never met a human, only read about them in the many books that littered the pack library. The library, it hurt her to think about the only remaining piece of her pack's livelihood, the only proof that they had ever been there, save the death and destruction.

She rested her head on Eli's shoulder, her heart hurt more than any wound ever could and no matter how hard she tried to hide it, she couldn't, the broken and bleeding organ was on her sleeve for the world to see. She closed her eyes, feigning sleep she let herself be immersed in her own sorrow, for she knew that as soon as the car door opened, she would have to be an Alpha again, and she wouldn't let her pack see her so weak.

The ride was over too soon, and yet somehow it felt like they had been driving for an eternity, the darkness of her thoughts an easy abyss to tumble down. She steeled herself against her emotions as Eli opened the door and stepped out, rounding the car to help her down. The pack had been waiting for them, but they quickly dispersed with one serious look from their Alpha.

"Come on E, let's get you inside." His voice was soft, and she treasured the way it sent soothing tingles running down her spine. She followed him inside and ignored his pleads for her to lay down and wait for the pack doctor.

"We've just been ambushed Eli, we need to talk about this, figure out what our plan of action is."

They went up to his study and called for the doctor to come as soon as he was able.

"Plan of action? We don't even know who that was, let alone how to track them down and find them, besides, maybe it was just a coincidence." She raised a lone brow. "Okay, not a coincidence, but there's not much we can do at this point."

Her chuckle lacked any humour, "Wow. I've never heard of an Alpha so eager to let his pack and his mate get attacked and nearly killed. Maybe I should just go back and lay belly up for them, really let them do it right this time."

The growl that came from her specimen of a mate was louder than she had ever heard, and she knew pack members roaming outside were sure to wonder what was happening. Elijah's arm reached out and swiped everything from his desk, crashing into the wall with a bang before clattering to the floor. Her mouth tilted into a sly grin, it had been exactly the reaction she had been hoping for and she couldn't deny the thrill that was running through her. She loved his anger; he was so unbearably hot when he lost his cool.

Her Alpha mate was a level-headed sweetheart, calm, cool and collected, he always looked at things critically and while she loved that about him she couldn't deny the way her heart pounded when he was looking at her the way he was now – like a man possessed, a man enamoured with the precious cargo that sat before him. It made her feel loved in a way that she never had before, made her feel wanted and needed.

She needed his anger because she was trying so hard to reign her own in. The wolf within her was scratching and tearing, fighting harder than ever before to get out. She could feel the pressure against her temples, the way her fingernails itched and ached. Elijah's soothing tones and logical thinking had done nothing more than egg the feral part of her on. Her wolf wanted blood, wanted to relish in the agony of the ones who had dared to attack her yet again, she needed to see that Elijah would be up to the task, that the fire that ran through her veins ran through his as well.

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