Chapter 03- Curtains

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Hello, this is Nyx. This chapter may be a little short in comparison to the previous chapters. But ,rest assure, I'll try to update schedule-wise. If you find mistakes (such as grammatical or structural or spelling) please feel free to inform me ASAP. Hope it's not so boring 🥺👉👈》

Everything seemed so against him. He believed so much in his fate that one day he would make his dreams come true. But at this point, all seemed hazy and lie. He fought so much for his dreams but today all of those strugglings were going to meet an end.

Bai Yuan desperately looked around to find an escape. On the other hand the thugs were slowly making a move towards him after aiding the shaved head's broken head *cough bleeding head.

He staggered back and his back met the window. Other side of the window, there was a big highway. But since it was midnight it seemed empty. No one could be spotted in the near distance. Bai Yuan didn't even have the time to think because the hungry bunch of predators had already plunged on him.

Seeing no other option to save his dignity he jumped out of the window from the second floor. He fell down so fast that the thugs could only see the darkness devouring him.

"Everyone, search for him!" The Boss shouted and slammed his table from behind.


After falling from the second floor Bai Yuan had some major injuries on his body.His ribcage throbbed in pain and hot droplets of blood trickled from the cuts on his arms and legs. He somehow dragged his heavy body through the darkness.

'Life, you're so cruel. I never treated anyone badly but everyone treated me otherwise. Still I never ranted. But today, after losing so much, I'm tired. I can't keep up anymore. I-'

He didn't notice that he had already come to the highway. Bai Yuan was so deeply in shock that he didn't even see the truck coming towards him. The next moment he realised, he was already laid on the road.
His mind buzzed and his body ached all over. Through his blurry, hazy eyes he saw the thugs shouting and screaming from the other side of the road.

'I didn't want to die like this. But I'm relieved that I-'

The next moment ,all he remembered was waking up in a soft bed. Bai Yuan opened his eyes and saw layers of satin curtains falling down from the top. His head buzzed in pain. Aside from that buzzing vibration, he heard low voiced chattering like noises coming from the outside. He was certain that there were people outside. At the same time he was uncertain that those people might be those thugs and he maybe didn't die from the accident. He pressed his nerves on his forehead and concentrated on the noises coming from outside.

Who do you think, are the people on the other side of the curtains?


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