Chapter-26 Tricked

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AN:Hello, loves! I hope the new year going well for you so far. Let me know if there's any problem with the story, I'll try to fix that ASAP! Happy read(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。

Bai Yuan entered his room with swift and sturdy steps, behind him Xu Ying kept following. Suddenly he turned around for an abrupt stop and shouted with full power, "Xu Ying, I order you to close the windows and door in this room!"
Xu Ying was startled by the sudden turns of events, he hurriedly came forward and stopped at a moderate distance, "B-But, your highness, why so suddenly? "

Bai Yuan furiously clutched his hair as he threw back his head in frustration, "That D**n Emperor! I just said that "to appear once in a while was okay"! But he! He's stuck with me like chewing gum in someone's hair!"

Xu Ying looked clueless, "Chewing gum?"

Bai Yuan cursed silently and threw an ominous smirk at Xu Ying, " Will you do what I said?"

Xu Ying gulped and nodded his head before disappearing at light speed to close all the entryways. He came back after a while and found Bai Yuan sluggishly lying on the bed.

"All done, your highness."

"Thanks," Bai Yuan lazily replied. He seemed to be in deep thought about what exactly went wrong.

A week ago, he and Wang Yiheng had agreed to help each other and catch the main culprits of his miseries accordingly. He and Yiheng made an awesome plan together to lure the beasts from their den. It was as simple as clean water. They just had to make them furious by doing some public display of love. But little did he have an idea that his plan to stay close to Wang Yiheng would cost him his peaceful daily life, he would've thought of a better alternative beforehand. Bai Yuan lazily opened his mouth to talk,

"I thought, Mr.Emperor, will just attend the meals and stay overnight once in a while. It will be an easy-peasy act to pull off. By any chance, we may become friends..."

Xu Ying stood silently for a moment then replied with a serious expression, "But, your highness, isn't it better if Master keeps accompanying you? I mean, everyone will think that he's head over heels for you, won't they?"

Bai Yuan rose his head to look at Xu Ying for once then threw his back again on the bed, face-palming, " Xu Ying, oh Xu Ying, I don't mind him staying around me..." he thought in his mind,

There were days when I had to share one tiny apartment with three people because I didn't have enough money to rent a house for myself. All three of us would go through difficulties together, eat together, and even sleep on the floor together because we had only two blankets for three people...what days...

Xu Ying asked curiously, " Your highness?"

As if Bai Yuan was pulled into reality, he replied in a surprised voice, " Oh, What was I saying? Yeah, I don't mind, but he- he is always there. When I woke up, he was sitting on a chair inside my bedroom, fine, then we had breakfast. He went away for a while and then returned with maids carrying a variety of fresh fruits. I appreciated it, then he stayed in the study reading some book when I tried to see the contents, he hid it away! Nevermind. Next, we had lunch together, went on a walk, and had snacks, then he disappeared for a while before reappearing with tea. After that, we went on another stroll and came back before dinner was served. If I sum up the time he wasn't by my side in the past week, it will be less than 5 hours. Repeating the same routine and meal menu for a whole week is clearly upsetting! Doesn't he have any work to do? "

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