christmas special -joe burrow

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To all my For Lifers readers, I'm sorry that there is no Christmas special! The part of the plot that I'm in, there just can't be one. So, now I give you... JOE BURROW CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!! I'm gonna use the same names for y/n's siblings and parents.

"What if your family doesn't like me?!" Joe asked as he slipped on his jeans. 

"Joe, one of my family members is A BENGALS FAN! You'll be fine. Honestly, I'm scared they are gonna crowd you and forget I'm even there." I joked. We were having an early Christmas dinner with my aunt and uncle and their kids. My parents and my siblings were gonna be there too. My cousin won't be here for Christmas, so we are celebrating it early with them.

"You got the presents?" I asked.

"Yep. Now, which of your cousins is a Bengals fan?" I laughed.

"Let me give you a refresher. There's my Aunt Maria, my Uncle Mark, my cousin/godfather Michael, his fiancée Mia, my cousin Clara, her husband Noah, and their son Peter Justin or PJ. And then there's my family; my dad Jordan, my mom Presley, my brother Anthony, and my sister Kendall. Oh! Michael and Mia have a dog named Daisy. Any questions?" Joe froze for a second.

"Nope! I got them all written down in my brain."

We pull onto their street and park on the street.

"I get some presents, you get some." I said, grabbing a few presents. Joe grabbed the rest. I looked at his face, it looked scared.

"You'll be fine. Trust me. Everybody in that house knows who you are. You've already met my family, and you are on good terms with my dad and brother. Now, you have to get through my uncle, grandpa, godfather, and cousin." I smiled and he rolled his eyes. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"You'll. Be. Fine." I said matter-of-factly.

"Whatever you say." he said. We walked into there garage and went in through the side door. I took my coat and shoes off, Joe did the same.

"Hellooooo?" I asked as I peaked around the corner.

"Y/n! Come on in!" I knew my aunt was in the kitchen.

"I brought a special guest, if that's ok?"

"Of course! Come in, we wanna see you." Aunt Maria said. I held onto Joe's hand with my free on and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey guys! I wanted to introduce you guys to my boyfriend!" I gestured to Joe.

"Hello everyone. My name's Joe, Joe Burrow." Everybody's jaws dropped.

"You're like THE Joe Burrow, or no?" Clara asked, holding PJ.

"Yeah, I guess so. I play for the Bengals, if that is what y'all wanted to know." Joe spoke with a smile. Noah stood up, walked up to us, and stuck out his hand.

"Hi! I'm Noah, that lady," he pointed to Clara, "is my wife Clara and our son PJ." Suddenly, a dog came running up to me.

"Are you the famous Daisy I've heard of?" I asked as I kneeled down next to
the dog.

"It sure is." a male's voice said.

"Michael!" I stood up and gave him a hug. Joe became obviously stiff.

"Hey man! I'm Michael, y/n's godfather. It's honestly so cool that you are here. Noah's a Bengals fan so he's really excited." Michael smiled. Joe stifled a laugh. My Aunt Maria came over and gave Joe a hug.

"Welcome to our house. Any friend, or boyfriend in this case, is our friend." Joe smiled as she let go.

"Ayyyyy Joe! What's up?" Anthony said. Joe sat down on the floor next to him.

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