Chapter 7 Aim Fire

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That Morning...

Elizabeth and Dick sat in the carriage awaiting their next horse robbery. This was Elizabeth's first robbery. Dick was checking his pistol then looked up and saw Elizabeth. She was nervous and not ready for it.

"Don't worry sweet heart. You'll be fine. All you have to do is grab the horse." Dick said calmly and with a soothing smile.

Elizabeth took a deep breath in and grabed her knife and slid it into her leg strap. Dick knew she was not overly fond of killing and robbing. Dick moved over to the other side of the carrige to sit with Elizabeth. He took both of her hands and held them to his heart. Elizabeth smiled.

"I love you Liz. I wont let anything bad happen to you baby." Dick said staring straight into her eyes.

Elizabeth reached over and pecked Dick passionately on the lips then pulled away and grabed her pistol and placed a scarf over her mouth and nose.

The carriage stopped and they all rushed out with pistols blazing. Elizabeth rushed over to grab the chestnut horse Dick told her about. She hoisted herself up onto the horse but one of the men who owned the horse came at her and she threw the knife from her leg strap straight into the mans chest. He fell to the ground screaming in pain. Dick spotted out that he saw a large group of soldiers and called out to bail and run. Elizabeth galloped over to Dick and he jumped onto the horse. They galloped off away form the soldiers. Dick turned back to see that all his squad members all had their hands up, then one by one they got shot and dropped to the ground. Dick felt so guilty, This was a feeling he thought he would never feel.

After a long ride Dick and Elizabeth got to a beautiful riverside village called Yorkshire.

It was sunset now, Dick sat on a rock gazing into the camp fire reminiscing what had happened today. Elizabeth sat on the other side in the campfire watching Dick. Dick was miserable and it made Elizabeth feel sick inside. She had tried to help him feel better but nothing seemed to work. Elizabeth left and headed over to the river to go for a swim. She let her golden brown hair out and took off her clothes. She was now in her undergarments. She swam around while the sun set. Suddenly Dick appeared resting against a tree and looking at Elizabeth. He did the same thing. He took off his top and left his undergarments on. He swam over to Elizabeth.

"You feeling better? Not so down?" Elizabeth asked Dick.

"I am I'm still regretting what i let happened today." Dick said with a sigh.

Elizabeth swam closer to Dick, only about an inch away from each other. Then Elizabeth kissed Dick passionately she grabbed the underneath of his jaw/cheeks and pulled him in closer to kiss. Dick lifted Elizabeth up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She pulled away and smiled a dirty smile.

"I feel better now." Dick said flirtatiously.

They both laughed and stayed in the river until the sun fully set.

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