Chapter 29

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Leilani's morning alarms had failed her. Yes, alarms. Plural, not singular. Three to be exact.

The first alarm was to actually alarm her. And if the first alarm could speak, it would yell: GIRL, YOU HAVE A JOB. ITS TIME TO ACT LIKE IT.

The second was just supposed to be a little teaser and just another warning. The second alarm could mean two things for Leilani. If she really wanted to look exceptional, she'd already be up working on it.


If she woke up at that very moment, she'd have more time to work on her hair. Every woman knows that hair is most important. But it also takes the absolute longest.

And lastly, the very third tone. This warning was simple: WAKE UP NOW. YOU WILL BE LATE.

The last alarm always feels chaotic. It basically screams: you're already going to look like crap. At least wash your behind and be on time.

Unfortunately for Leilani, she had missed every warning. And because of that, she was going to be late and most likely look horrid going into the office.

Being the bosses lady was no excuse. Leilani couldn't just send a text saying Hi, baby. Running late. See you soon.

A proper call had to be made to the office. Glenda would have to answer and relay the message to Carter. They were still attempting to withhold some bit of discretion around the office.

After Sally and Zach finding out, there were pieces of Leilani that just wanted to let the cat out of the bag. She wanted to be loud and proud about her relationship. She knew she couldn't but still...

Again, like last week, waking up late missed her opportunity to have a company car escort her early to work so the sweltering sun and the city bus was the only thing she had to fend for herself.

Moving quickly, Leilani threw on the first thing she could find. Which happened to be the complete opposite of anything she would wear to the office.

She chose a green t-shirt dress, a pair of tan flats, and pulled her hair up into a loose, messy bun. Leilani didn't look horrendous.

She didn't look good either...

Not wanting waste another moment, she yanked her briefcase from the edge of her chair causing a loud thud and a few items had shaken themselves to the floor from her desk. Leilani didn't care to clean up and because of that negligence, she left her pile of manuscripts that was supposed to be turned in that morning.

The thing Leilani hated most about the city bus was how crowded it got if you missed the right one. Had she been earlier than early, there would be no line and she could find a great seat away from the rest of the public.

Late buses were always packed. And you would think the drivers would limit the amount of passengers. It was as if the bus company paid the drivers by the number of sardines they could stuff into this long, metal can.

A crowded bus meant Leilani would have to stand. And she did, swaying side to side as the bus waddled it's way through the city.

Despite the commotion in the background from the other riders, Leilani still needed to call the office. She was an hour late. Really, she should've called as soon as she had woken up but it slipped her mind.

"Good morning, Glenda. It's Leilani Jones."

"Leilani. Good morning!" Leilani was greeted by the cheerful receptionist.

"Yes. I'm sorry but I'm running late today. Could you tell Mr. Vanderbilt?" Leilani asked.

Glenda giggled over the phone.

"No worries, sweetie. He's been tied up all morning. Even before the office opened. You're fine." Glenda informed her.

"Really?" Leilani wondered.

"Yes. Half the office hasn't arrived yet. Take your time."

She was being saved by something, she assumed.

The office was more quiet than usual. Leilani heard whispers among the cubicle. The whispers didn't concern her because they weren't followed by eyes on her.

Leilani felt much more at ease when she plopped down into her desk chair and dropped her briefcase. The rushed commute to the office left her exhausted.

Leilani looked behind her to Carters office and noticed the door still closed with a digital sign that read: Do Not Disturb. Meeting In Progress.

Knowing that their usual check in was delayed, she b-lined her way to the break room for a much needed morning coffee and hopefully a blueberry muffin if one was left. She wasn't in the mood for a banana nut one today.

And of course, she was met by Sally, who wore a bandage on her nose.

Leilani didn't think Noelle's trip would send Sally on a trip to the doctor.

Now, as displeased with Sally as she was, Leilani could never be inhumane. She didn't condone what Noelle had done in her honor, but she did understand why.

Yet, that was no excuse for Leilani not to show compassion towards Sally and her injury. Had it been the other way around, Leilani would expect a few words from her.

Sally looked up at Leilani with a straight face once she realized she was standing in front of her.

"Sally, I," Leilani knew she should say something to break the silence but she really couldn't find the words.

As much as she wanted to apologize, Sally had only proven herself to be nosy and conniving. Should she really be doing this?

"You don't have to say anything. I'm sorry. And I know I deserved this." Sally decided to speak first.

Appalled, Leilani was so taken aback.

"I don't want you to think that I told her to do that. She was just upset and it was a reaction to seeing me in distress. Therefore, I'm apologizing on both of our behalf's."

Neither ladies continued.

This turned out not to be as awkward as Leilani thought because a woman she was not familiar with, but Sally was, had entered the break room with no warning.

"Ah, Sally! It's so good to be back. Thanks for helping me."

This woman was tall, slender figured with quite a large rack, and blonde hair in style of a bob with bangs. She wore black sunglasses, a black skirt suit with gold details, and white heels.

The woman nearly pushed Leilani's back into the wall as she rushed to wrap her arms around Sally.

"Oh, Rachel. Please. It was my pleasure." Sally pulled out of the hug and held Rachel's hands in hers, the two sharing eager expressions.


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